Digital educational resources
By taking action together, we can encourage the sharing and reuse of digital educational resources and make education future-proof. Together, we will ensure that students and lecturers always have access to high-quality educational resources wherever they are and that they can easily find them in one place. Will you join us?
Student with VR Glasses

How to provide personalised feedback despite large-scale teaching?

Kirsten Veelo

Kirsten Veelo


Services for digital educational resources

A reliable infrastructure is needed to unlock the supply of educational resources. In the optimal situation, all materials are findable in one place and integrated into learning environments. What technology do you need?

SURF will work on a coherent service portfolio for digital educational resources in the coming years. This consists of edusources, NL Source, CopyrightCheck, joint procurement of digital educational resources and support for lecturers and education professionals.

View the infographic on the coherence of digital educational resources publishing.

edusources, the platform for digital educational resources

Studenten in gesprek

With edusources, SURF offers a safe and reliable platform with a diverse range of digital (open) educational resources. The place where lecturers and students can share and reuse educational resources. And we continue to develop this service to make sharing, searching and assessing even easier and more efficient.

More info about the service

Join the edusources community

CopyrightCheck: copyright for digital learning materials well regulated

Symbool CopyRIGHT

The education sector wants to properly regulate the use/reuse of copyright-protected educational resources. Together with institutions and the UvO Foundation, SURF is therefore developing the CopyRIGHT tool. This tool helps institutions and lecturers to make proper use of educational resources.

Want to know more? all about copyright issues

Vragen over auteursrechten? Kijk op offers you 1 central place to go for reliable information on copyright issues and related laws and regulations. You will find legal information, practical resources and tools.
