Flexible education organisation
Students expect convenience and freedom of choice, to study what they want, in their own time, place and pace. As long as they study, but also in lifelong development. Institutions should offer flexibility where students ask for it, for instance making the education offer more flexible, facilitating student mobility and issuing digital certificates.

At the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, students receive ECTS credits for the knowledge they acquire, but how do you reward skills properly? The university of applied sciences uses edubadges to offer differentiation in this respect, so that students acquire skills at the level that suits them and they can make these visible on their CV.

Case study
How can students truly take charge of their own learning process? Since 2018, Windesheim's Information Manager Anton Meijer and Business Architect Hans Kok have been working on an educational model where the student is at the centre. But how does this work in practice?

Case study