
To give students more flexibility when studying, including outside their institutions, products, systems and organisations must be able to cooperate and exchange information without restrictions. They must be 'interoperable'. This is often not yet the case. That is why SURF, at home and abroad, works together to increase interoperability.
Podcastopname met gasten

The transformation to a learner-centred education system requires a redesign of the education ecosystem, with interoperability as an important prerequisite.

Did you know that interoperability has a major impact on students' opportunities for development? Evelien Renders, internationalisation adviser at SURF, talks about the necessary improvement of processes at the 'back end' so that students at the 'front end' can choose and develop as freely as possible. Both within and outside the Netherlands.

At the annual EUNIS conference, Evelien Renders was appointed chair. Evelien is advisor on international higher education at SURF, where she focusses on international cooperation around innovative…


SURF Communities


Onderwijslogistiek is het geheel van processen, systemen en informatiestromen die het mogelijk maakt dat het onderwijs van onderwijsinstellingen gestroomlijnd verloopt. Onderwijslogistiek bewaakt de samenhang tussen processen, systemen en informatiestromen in de gehele cyclus van onderwijsontwikkeling tot en met diplomering.