Flexible education organisation
Students expect convenience and freedom of choice, to study what they want, in their own time, place and pace. As long as they study, but also in lifelong development. Institutions should offer flexibility where students ask for it, for instance making the education offer more flexible, facilitating student mobility and issuing digital certificates.
Hogeschool Leiden

Educational logistics

Organising flexible education has a lot of impact on the set-up of educational logistics processes. If you start working with flexibilisation and thereby redesign your education, this automatically leads to adjustments in educational logistics.

What is educational logistics?

Educational logistics is the set of processes, systems and information flows that make it possible to streamline education at universities of applied sciences: from educational development to certification. The moment educational institutions start working with flexibilisation and make other choices about the organisation of education, this always leads to adjustments in educational logistics.

Insight into education logistics chain

What does flexible education require from the educational organisation? As an institution, how do you support student mobility with technology? And what does this mean for the organisation of the application landscape? SURF supports institutions in mapping out the educational logistics chain within the institution and making the educational processes more transparent. The publications below can help you with this.

Process plate from the student's perspective


Organising flexible(er) education requires agility of an educational organisation. What does this require of the institution and education? By starting from the student's perspective, it is possible to see which educational processes are interconnected, so that the consequences of choices for the organisation of processes become clear. Use the process map to get started with your institution.

Download the process map

Workbook - Reference model educational logistics

Voorkant werkwijzer referentiemodel

The working guide to the Reference Model of Educational Logistics for Flexible Education describes the ideas and insights behind the Reference Model of Educational Logistics for Flexible Education. This model is a tool for mapping the educational logistics chain within the institution. The guide also provides tools to create educational logistics that meet the requirements of flexible education.

Download the guide

Reference model educational logistics

Foto referentiemodel onderwijslogistiek

The reference model for flexible educational logistics allows institutions to consider the impact of a more flexible curriculum on educational logistics. You gain insight into the connection between teaching and educational support. And how to organise that cohesion.

Download the reference model

Educational logic model and puzzle


The Educational Logistics Model makes visible the connection from educational development and planning to certification and evaluation. The model enables teachers, service providers, policymakers and management to enter the conversation on the meaning of educational logistics in the organisation. It was developed by the Special Interest Group Educational Logistics.

Download the model

Download the puzzle

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