Flexible education in practice

More than 25 institutions issue edubadges. Discover the experiences of Erasmus University Rotterdam, Hogeschool Rotterdam, mboRijnland and other institutions that are already taking first steps to apply edubadges in practice.
Taking a subject at another university

We want to make it a lot easier for students to take courses at other educational institutions. In such a way that students remain in control of their data, and so their privacy is protected. The UU, TU/e and WUR are experimenting with SURF's developed infrastructure within the Student Mobility project of the Flexibilisation zone of the Acceleration Plan. The alliance with TU Delft, Leiden University, Erasmus University will also start the pilot in 2022.
Read more about the pilot on the website of Versnellingsplan
Educational logistics for flexible education: 6 real-life case studies

6 institutions reveal how they shape flexibilisation in the report Educational logistics for flexible education. Are you concerned with organising flexible education within a higher education institution? This report shows how other institutions approached this.
Projects Incentive scheme Exchanging educational supply data

Codarts, Wageningen University, Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen, Saxion, Utrecht University and Eindhoven University of Technology experimented in 2019 with unlocking and exchanging educational offerings data from different source systems via the Open Education API. As many as 10,000 educational units were presented.