
Safe and easy to the cloud

Do you also want to legitimately and securely deploy cloud services from top providers? Then use SURFcumulus!
Student aan een tafel in een open ruimte met een laptop


No own tender

SURF has already done the tendering and continuously monitors quality, safety and legality.

Pay by use

You pay what you use, with no obligation.

Customised advice

With SURFcumulus professional services, we provide tailored advice on your needs and choose from the best cloud providers.

Access to various knowledge sessions

Brush up your knowledge with various courses and training programmes.
Skydivers boven wolkendek

Cloud Advisors


About SURFcumulus

Together with our European partners, we pool purchasing power and outsource cloud services centrally. Due to the speed of innovations, the complex supply and varying user needs, there is no ready-made solution, but with SURFcumulus you easily switch to the cloud. Combine your own IT infrastructure flexibly with cloud services, without tendering yourself.

How does SURFcumulus work?

With SURFcumulus, you choose from various cloud providers from inside and outside Europe. You pay according to use, with no obligation. SURF contracts out Europe-wide and checks the quality, safety and legitimacy.

Customised advice with SURFcumulus professional services

Need help starting up, building or managing your cloud environment? In SURFcumulus professional services' online purchasing platform, we selected the very best specialists in the research and education sector. Together, we will find the market party that suits you best!

More information

SURFcumulus wiki Read more, or request SURFcumulus.

SURF Community Cloudcomputing Join and exchange knowledge with other cloud experts.

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