Control of data and plagiarism

In control
No vendor lock-in
Cross-institutional plagiarism scan
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How does ShareControl work?
ShareControl is a database containing metadata of and references to documents. Institutions link systems containing previously submitted work, such as document repositories and learning management systems, to this database. Institutions can then populate the database, choosing which documents to add. ShareControl will only contain metadata of the documents and a link to the document itself.
The supplier of plagiarism scanning software also connects to the database, under clear contractual conditions about the use of the documents made available. The supplier receives the metadata from the database, a link to a document's storage location and a key to access the document.
The supplier can then retrieve the document via the database and add it to their own database, without the institution itself having to unlock the document to the outside world. Moreover, the agreement requires the supplier to make changes to the metadata: if the institution deletes or changes the document, the supplier must do the same.
ShareControl is a service that falls within the sector package for the mbo, hbo and wo sectors.
Project NLBron: more grip
ShareControl originated from the project 'NLBron: towards a Dutch resource for plagiarism detection'.
Many institutions use plagiarism detection software to check whether student work is original. But they want more control over documents they share with plagiarism detection software vendors. Until recently, institutions sent submitted student work to their supplier's system. That supplier scans the work, and adds it to its database of documents against which newly submitted work is compared. This method has three drawbacks:
- Institutions use different plagiarism scanning software products. This makes it difficult to compare submitted work with the work of students from other institutions.
- It is difficult to transfer a database of previously submitted work to another plagiarism scan product.
- It is not always possible to correct or withdraw documents once they have been added to the supplier's database.
The Dutch resource for plagiarism detection changes this. At the request of educational institutions, SURF has developed this database with metadata of and references to documents.
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