Snellius: the National Supercomputer

Large collection of tools and libraries
Data storage
Do you have a question about the National Supercomputer? Get in touch.
Simulation and modelling
Do you work with large and complex models that require a lot of computing power? The National Supercomputer provides that with a large number of super-fast processors. The system is ideally suited for large-scale experiments, such as simulations and modelling. These require a lot of processing power and memory usage, but also communication between the different processors. An important feature of Snellius is its fast internal network.
Computing power
Snellius runs on Linux. Besides AMD processors, the system also features GPGPUs (General Purpose Graphics Processing Units). These accelerators combine the processing power of graphics cards (GPUs) with that of CPUs. In addition, Snellius has 'fat nodes' with more memory space (1 TB) and 'high-memory nodes' (4 TB and 8 TB of memory space).
Tools and libraries
As a researcher, you can make use of a large collection of tools, compilers and libraries. Are you doing research or experiments in the field of machine learning, e.g. neural networks? The libraries and tools on Snellius make it a lot easier.
Data storage
As standard, you get 200 gigabytes of disk space for your own files (home file system). We back this up daily. You can also use a temporary storage capacity of 8 terabytes. We do not back this up and after two weeks these files are automatically deleted. Do you need additional storage space? We can arrange that for you.

Meet Snellius! Virtual tour
Bekijk de virtuele rondleiding door Snellius, inclusief alle technische details over de racks en GPU nodes.
This service is ISO 27001-certified
This means we meet the high requirements of this international standard on information security.
Information for users
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