Kies op Maat

Minor studies at other colleges and universities

Kies Op Maat offers a wide range of education from over 30 institutions. Students easily register for a minor or subject at another educational institution. This way, we give students customisation when it comes to their studies, and it makes studying outside their own institution possible.
Kies op maat


Wide range of minors and subjects

Students can create a distinctive curriculum with additional subject choices.

ECs obtained will be recognised

The minor or subject from another institution will be recognised by its own programme upon completion.

Data exchange support

Kies Op Maat simplifies the registration process and data exchange between institutions.

Attracting new students

With specialist minors and courses, institutions attract external students.

Have a question about Kies op Maat? Get in touch.

Tibert van Dijk

Tibert van Dijk


What is Kies op Maat?

Kies Op Maat offers a wide range of education from 27 colleges and 4 universities in the Netherlands. Go to for the range of offers from which hbo and wo students can choose.

Individual study path for the student

Kies Op Maat helps students put together their individual study path. Through Kies Op Maat, they have the assurance that the minor or subject they are taking is recognised by their own study programme. Kies op Maat supports students in registering and exchanging data between their own and the other institution.

Offering education more widely

With Kies Op Maat, institutions have a reliable platform on which they can draw attention to the education they offer. Minors or courses are more easily made cost-effective by attracting external students. In doing so, Kies op Maat supports the additional processes and financial settlement between the institutions.

Participate in Kies op Maat? Get in touch