Digital educational resources
By taking action together, we can encourage the sharing and reuse of digital educational resources and make education future-proof. Together, we will ensure that students and lecturers always have access to high-quality educational resources wherever they are and that they can easily find them in one place. Will you join us?
Student with VR Glasses

How to provide personalised feedback despite large-scale teaching?

Kirsten Veelo

Kirsten Veelo


Digital educational resources publications

How can sharing and reusing (open) digital educational resources contribute to better education? Find practical checklists, manuals, tools and case studies developed by colleagues at educational institutions together with SURF.

Talking Point

Plate Digital learning resources: a flexible and rich offering for lecturers and students
Isn't it great when lecturers and students will soon have an optimal mix of digital learning resources at their disposal? Regardless of where the materials come from and whether they are paid or free. So what does the cycle from development to deployment of those educational resources look like? Discover this future perspective and read the explanation on the talking sheet. 


Vision document Learning Resources in 2025
The Acceleration Zone Towards Digital (Open) Learning Resources has formulated a vision for digital learning resources, with 2025 as its horizon. It is about an optimal mix of educational resources, regardless of where the materials come from and whether they are commercially offered or open for use. The vision is set out in eight vision statements, along with the building blocks to realise it.


Introduction to Open Educational Resources
This Introduction to Open Educational Resources explains what OERs are, how you can use OERs in your own education, and how you can organise your own materials so that others can make optimal use of them.

Infographic: Applying OERs in your institution
This infographic gives you insight into the 3 levels at which you can organise OERs. For each level, it shows what your institution needs to consider in order to make good use of OERs. Take a look at the levels to determine which steps your institution can take to grow.

Roadmap for Open Educational Resources Policy
Use this handy roadmap to help formulate a policy for OERs.

Roadmap for OER communities
When creating, sharing, and reusing OER, collaboration with other lecturers is very important. Collaboration becomes easier in an active professional community. Use the step-by-step plan to build an OER community.

Step-by-step plan Quality model for OERs
Are you working on building up a collection of educational resources? Then make sure the materials are of good quality. This step-by-step plan will help you set up, implement and maintain a quality model.

Roadmap Vakvocabulaire voor Open Educational Resources
Do you work in a training association, professional association or professional community and do you want to make educational resources available through this partnership? Make sure that the digital educational resources are easy to find. A subject vocabulary helps with this.

Step plan Development workshop
Do you want to speed up the adoption of OERs within your institution? Do you want to help lecturers really get started? Set up an online workshop to inspire lecturers and help them gain experience. The workshop is also for support staff.

Adoption of OERs: which steps to take
Read the blog post by Janine van Hees (SURF) with tips on which steps to take so lecturers see the added value of OERs.


Looking for technology to share and find OERs more effectively
Read the blog post by Kirsten Veelo (SURF) on new possibilities in searching, finding and unlocking (meta)data.

Educational practice

OERs and the role of educational IT professionals
The use of OERs is growing within MBO, HBO and WO institutions. Who are involved in advising lecturers about OERs? What are educational IT professionals, what is their role and where do their needs in professional development lie? To best support this target group, this exploration was carried out.

Trend report: Adaptive educational resources in higher education
With adaptive educational resources, you create education that is automatically tailored to the needs and competences of individual students. What exactly is adaptive educational resources, what are the opportunities and what are the risks in practice?

Examples of subject communities
Tips for subject communities to create digital learning resources together and also the first experiences of subject communities that exchange educational resources.

Open Educational Resources in Practice
Lecturers talk about their experiences with sharing or reusing OERs. Lecturers who believe in sharing knowledge and using each other's expertise.

Theme edition on open textbooks
Check out our theme edition 'open textbooks'. These are digital, freely accessible textbooks in which the user can customise the content.

Themeedition Open Pedagogy
In this theme edition, we give an initial description of Open Pedagogy that offers lecturers concrete tools for inspiration and application in their own educational practice.

Themeedition Reuse of Open Educational Resources
An exploration of the bottlenecks and possible solutions for the reuse of educational resources from the perspective of lecturers, students, libraries, professionalisation and cross-institutional sharing of educational resources. An essential prerequisite is cooperation.

Figurehead projects to share and reuse educational resources
The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science wants lecturers in higher education to share and reuse educational resources. The so-called figurehead projects help in their adoption.


Grand Challenges learning analytics & open and online education - an exploration 
How to deploy learning analytics in open and online education?

Infographic OER 2016
Main findings of the research carried out by the Fontys University of applied sciences IT research group, partly on behalf of SURF.

Report Quality of Open Educational Resources 2013
Research into issues surrounding open educational resources in Dutch higher education.


Position Paper, utilise the opportunities of digital educational resources

Digitisation offers new opportunities for higher education, such as the integrated, enriched and flexible provision of digital educational resources to students. What does SURF think? Read the position paper.

Evaluation report eStudybooks

Since 2012, studies and proof of concepts have been carried out for making publishers' digital educational resources accessible to students within Dutch higher education. At the conclusion of the proof of concept phase in 2020, the results were recorded in Evaluation Report eStudybooks.

Feasibility study Inclusive Access

Inclusive Access is a model where students can gain personal digital access to all teaching and learning resources from the first day of their studies. How this model, successful in the US, could work in the Dutch context has been investigated by SURF in Feasibility Study Inclusive Access.