Digital educational resources in practice
As a lecturer, how can you get started with digital educational resources? Make use of the educational resources available on edusources or be inspired by the materials of others: on the edusources platform you will find an extensive collection of practical stories from lecturers, institutions and professional communities.
Projects stimulating open and online education
In recent years, theIncentive Scheme for Open and Online Educationhas brought about all kinds of innovative projects in which lecturers and colleagues have developed educational resources under an open licence. The educational resources from these projects can be used freely.
Experiences and recommendations of the project leaders can be read in their practical stories and in the publication Lessons learned from the Stimulating Open and Online Education Scheme and the flagship projects.
Examples of subject communities
Professional community Urban Resilience
Four Dutch universities of technology built a platform for future generations of engineers. The 4TU project Urban Resilience in Delta Regions led to a lively subject community that collects and develops open educational resources on urban resilience.
Read more about this community
Environmental Toxicology subject community
Kees van Gestel, professor of Ecotoxicology of soil ecosystems at the Vrije Universiteit, says: "Teaching in environmental toxicology had become fragmented in recent years. The textbooks available were old and not always up-to-date. From the six Dutch universities offering the subject of Environmental Toxicology, we decided to develop an open online textbook on Environmental Toxicology, to streamline teaching more and create unity."
Watch the interview on the Environmental Toxicology subject community page