Digital learning materials
By taking action together, we can encourage the sharing and reuse of digital learning materials and make education future-proof. Together, we will ensure that students and lecturers always have access to high-quality learning materials wherever they are and that they can easily find them in one place. Will you join us?
Student with VR Glasses

Reports and publications

How does sharing and reusing (open) digital learning materials contribute to better education? On this page you will find visual aids, roadmaps, reports and publications developed by colleagues from educational institutions together with SURF.

Visual tools

Publication - 19 May 2023

1. Talking plate Digital educational resources: a flexible and rich offering for lecturers and students

As an educational institution, how do you ensure a flexible and rich range of digital learning materials? Discover what the development cycle looks like and discuss choices regarding procurement, reuse, and OERs. This factsheet will help you on your way.

Download the factsheet

Publication - July 2021

2. Infographic: organising learning materials at 3 levels

How do you organise OERs within your institution? This infographic provides insight into 3 levels - exploration, development and growth - and what to consider for each level. Discover which steps you can take within your institution to make optimal use of OERs.

View the infographic

Publication - 2016

3. Infographic: state of open educationals resources (OER) 2016

How were OER used in Dutch education in 2016? See the figures and developments at a glance.

View the infographic


1. Roadmap for the development and use/reuse of OERs

The edusources website has a comprehensive collection of step-by-step plans to help you get started with the development, use/reuse, promotion and management of OERs.

To the roadmaps

Reports and publications

Publication - 19 October 2020

1. Vision document: digital learning materials in 2025

What does an optimal mix of digital learning materials look like? The Acceleration Zone Towards Digital (Open) Educational Resources outlines the future in 8 vision statements. These give direction to a flexible and accessible landscape of educational resources, with concrete building blocks to achieve this.

Read the vision document

Publication - February 2024

2. Exploration: the role of educational IT professionals

Educational IT professionals play a major role in advising lecturers on open learning materials. To best support these professionals, their tasks, challenges and development needs have been mapped.

Read the survey

Publication - February 2022

3. Trend report: adaptive learning materials in higher education

Adaptive learning materials determine the level and needs of students via algorithms, and automatically adapt accordingly. This trend report identifies the opportunities and risks of the technology.

Read the trend report

Publication - November 2020

4. Trend report: video learning

Video content is playing an increasing role in education, but how do you organise and professionalise video productions? A working group of experts and institutions examined trends, platforms and technical requirements.

Read the trend report

Publication - 2 March 2021

5. Theme edition: reuse of OERs

How do you encourage reuse of learning materials within your institution? This theme issue describes opportunities, challenges and best practices in education.

Read the publication

Publication - 16 December 2019

6. Theme edition: open pedagogy

How can open pedagogy enrich education? This theme issue shows how lecturers and students create knowledge together using open learning materials. Discover inspiring examples and practical tools to get started.

Read the theme edition

Publication - January 2020

7. Evaluation report: eStudybooks

What are the experiences with eStudybooks in higher education? This evaluation report provides valuable insights and user experiences for institutions wishing to get started with digital learning materials.

Read the evaluation report

Publication - 5 December 2019

8. Feasibility study: inclusive access

Through the inclusive access model, students have direct access to all the teaching and learning resources needed for their studies, without individual purchase. In the US, the model is very successful. SURF commissioned a study on how this model could work in the Dutch context.

Read the feasibility study

Publication - November 2013

9. Report: the quality of OERs

How do you assess the quality of OERs? This 2013 report examines the factors that determine whether OERs are effective and useful in education. Discover insights and guidelines for quality assurance.

Read the report

Publication - 6 February 2017
Last update - 7 February 2022

10. Blog: Looking for technology to share and find OERs more effectively

Kirsten Veelo, Educational Content team leader & OER project leader at SURF, explores new possibilities in searching, finding and unlocking (meta)data.

Read the blog