Practice how to respond in the event of a cyber crisis

Practising a cyber crisis with your institution and the industry
Practice with current and relevant threats
In addition to sector-wide exercise, also tabletop exercise by institution: NOZON
Have a question about OZON or NOZON? Get in touch.
What are OZON and NOZON?
Organisations often pay attention to fire safety, first aid and other emergency preparedness. As we become increasingly dependent on digital systems, it is important to be well prepared for a cyber crisis. That's why every two years you can participate in the sector-wide cyber crisis exercise for our member institutions called OZON. And in the year that OZON does not take place, you can participate in NOZON, a tabletop cyber crisis exercise.
OZON 2025
During the sector-wide cyber crisis OZON, you will practise the various aspects of a cyber attack. Think of infections in the institutional network, (social) media coverage, contact with the hacker, questions from students and staff and messages from service providers. IT staff, administrators, communications staff and other participants within your institution should respond to these to repair or mitigate the damage. This allows you to practice and check how prepared you are as an institution for a cyber crisis. The next edition of OZON will take place in March 2025.
In order to support institutions in this tabletop exercise at IT or strategic level, SURF, in collaboration with Z-CERT, MBO Digitaal and Kennisnet, is organising training courses on setting up, observing and evaluating cyber crisis exercises and offering central exercise material. After the exercise weeks, we hold a return day to exchange experiences and lessons learned. The next edition of NOZON will take place in 2026. Using the NOZON manual, you can also organise your own tabletop exercises in the interim.
Overview of exercise materials and meetings
An overview of the exercise materials and documents can be found on the NOZON wiki. If you do not have access to the wiki, please contact Charlie van Genuchten.
Curious about experiences with NOZON?
Apart from the hours you put into preparation, implementation and evaluation, participation costs nothing.