Jupyter for Education
Ideal for programming education: only a browser needed
Attention: Jupyter for Education is being phased out by mid 2025. From September 2024 onwards, the service is only available for existing customers.

Flexible software environment
Multi-user environment
Technical support
Low-threshold programming
Jupyter Notebooks are made to combine code and text in the same document. It allows a teacher to integrate explanations, assignments and sample code in one document. This also makes it very suitable for novice programmers.
Students learning programming often struggle to install all the necessary software, such as R or a Python interpreter, on their own. Jupyter Notebooks can be run on a server: all the student needs is a browser.
These features make Jupyter Notebooks ideally suited for programming education.
It saves us a huge amount of time not having to install anything for our students: just log in and get started.
Advantages Jupyter for Education
- supports multiple programming languages
- is a good way to master a programming language (e.g. often used in Python courses)
- can be extended with various plug-ins, e.g. for data visualisation, dashboards and automatic assessment of tests
- is also used as a user interface for big data frameworks, databases and computer clusters
- is open source
- is accessible with any browser; no installation of additional software is required and it therefore fits well with the bring your own device principle
- a common problem in programming education is when students use different versions of software packages; the shared software environment prevents this from happening
- notebooks are easy to share with others, for example with course participants
- teachers can develop templates with examples and exercises.