SURF Education Days 2024 for mbo, hbo and wo

Setting the right tone for the future together will be central during the education & IT event of the year: the SURF Education Days on 12 and 13 November. During the 26th edition, we inspire participants to look ahead and outline the educational developments that will become relevant in the coming years.

Logo Education Days 2024. Theme: set the tone!


Are you also joining? Buy your ticket now for the SURF Education Days 2024 on 12 and 13 November 2024 and set the tone for the education of the future!


Early bird tickets

These tickets are available until September 9.

  • Both days: €450 (including VAT)
  • Only Tuesday 12 November: €275 (including VAT)
  • Only Wednesday 13 November: €275 (including VAT)

Regular tickets

  • Both days: €560 (including VAT)
  • Only Tuesday 12 November: €325 (including VAT)
  • Only Wednesday 13 November: €325 (including VAT)

Buy your ticket (Registration form is in Dutch)

We offer:

  • Keynotes from innovative and futuristic thinkers from the educational field and beyond who encourage people to look and act differently.
  • Sessions where you create, play, do or engage in conversation.
  • Presentation of the SURF Education Awards
  • Time and space for (new) meetings with colleagues and more than 30 providers of products and services


  • November 12: 10am - 7:30pm 
  • November 13: 10am - 5:30pm 

Frequently asked questions

Do you have questions about your registration, cancellation policy, location or otherwise? Then check the frequently asked questions about the SURF Education Days 2024.