SURF helps education with distribution of self-tests
The Dutch government wants to make corona self-tests available in education from the beginning of May. The self-tests will supplement the existing corona measures. SURF is helping the Dutch education sector with the logistical challenge of distributing millions of self-tests among students and staff at educational institutions.
The central Dutch government is making the self-tests available to education institutions in the Netherlands as part of a broader introduction of self-testing in Dutch society. The educational institutions have asked SURF to provide a solution for distributing the large quantities of self-tests.

SURF already has some of the necessary expertise to meet this challenge. For example, SURFspot has experience with a portal for students and staff, SURFconext has a method for providing secure access, and we have a great deal of experience in bringing various parties together for fruitful collaboration. As a cooperative, SURF can also submit a single tender, enabling all the institutions to benefit from the facilities.
With these ingredients and in cooperation with the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, SURF is creating a national portal where students and staff of educational institutions can log in and request the free self-tests, which can then be delivered to their homes. The self-tests are provided by central government and are therefore free for students and staff members of educational institutions. We are collaborating with a specialist partner for the processing, packaging and shipping of the applications.
SURF members
All universities and almost all universities of applied sciences make use of the distribution option via the national portal. Because of the availability of self-tests and the logistical possibilities, the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has given priority to higher education for the distribution of self-tests. For this reason, the application of self-tests via the portal will be opened for secondary education institutions at a later date.
More information
From the beginning of May, students and staff members can request free self-tests. More information on the self-tests and the application process can be found via