vlnr: Anne de Jong, Jelle de Plaa, Ron Scholten

Research Support Champions 2024: Jelle de Plaa, Ron Scholten and Anne de Jong

During the SURF Research Day on 30 May, the Research Support Champion Awards were presented for the fourth time. The awards go to Jelle de Plaa for his great commitment to open science, Ron Scholten for his work on the YOUth project and Anne de Jong for his outstanding role in undergraduate research support and innovation. Ron receives the audience award.

Exceptional commitment to research support

SURF wants to use the awards to honour research support staff who add significant value to research at their institutions and beyond. For the 2024 awards, anyone could nominate candidates. The jury received many entries and had the task of choosing the three best research supporters from them. In the end, the choice fell on:

Jelle de Plaa

Jelle de Plaa

Senior Software Design Engineer at SRON, the Netherlands Institute for Space Research.

Colleagues about Jelle:

"Jelle is the Open Science heart and soul of SRON. His contribution is mainly characterised by the multitude of aspects he is passionately committed to."

Read more about Jelle and also see SRON's news release about Jelle.

Ron Scholten

Ron Scholten SURF Research Support Championship 2024

Research Data Manager at Utrecht University.

Colleagues about Ron:

"Ron is a real team player. He deploys his extensive expertise, knows a lot about privacy, security, and research data management, and collaborates with various colleagues from different functions and departments."

Read more about Ron

Anne de Jong

Anne de Jong

Data steward at the Centre of Expertise Urban Vitality at the University of applied sciences.

Colleagues about Anne:

"Anne has invested a lot of time in increasing his visibility within his organisation, promoting open science principles and contributing with ideas in the practical setting of research. Anne is the connecting link between data and researchers."

Read more about Anne

Winner Audience Award: Ron Scholten

During SURF Research Day, visitors could vote for their favourite SURF Research Support Champion. The public thus also had a say in selecting a winner. Ron Scholten received a bunch of lego flowers as the audience award.

About the SURF Research Support Champions


SURF Research Support Champions have made an exceptional commitment to supporting research within their institutions and the profession of research support in general. Researchers are often in the spotlight, but support staff are equally indispensable for high-quality scientific results. With this award, SURF wants to give research supporters at institutions a platform and inspire others.

Support in research data management and IT

In the context of this prize, SURF defines research supporters as anyone who supports researchers in the field of research data management and IT. In storing, managing, archiving and sharing research data, but also in software development and advice on research applications. For example, data stewards, IT professionals, librarians or research assistants.

Nominated by colleagues

The candidates were nominated by their colleagues, by researchers and by managers. In assessing the entries, the quality of support, the way the nominees connect researchers' needs with research support, and the impact of their work were considered. The submissions received by the jury were comprehensive and enthusiastically substantiated.