Ondertekening samenwerkingsconvenant MBO Raad en SURF

Martijn Timmer (MBO Digitaal) and Hans Louwhoff (SURF) sign cyber cooperation agreement.


MBO Council and SURF together make MBO sector cyber resilient faster

To make the MBO quicker and more resilient against cyber attacks, the MBO Council and SURF are going to work closely together. To this end, they signed a collaboration agreement on 9 June. The collaboration will take place between SURF's Innovation Zone (Cyber)Security and the MBO Council's Programme Cyber Security mbo.

Threat of cyber attacks on the rise

There is a lot of focus on the cyber security of educational institutions, from their own staff and students, but also from media and politicians. Institutions feel the urgency to improve cyber security because digitisation is inextricably linked to the educational process. Serious cyber incidents at Maastricht University and ROC Mondriaan, among others, have also made institutions in intermediate vocational education realise that cooperation in cyber security is very important.

"The MBO Cybersecurity Programme is centrally organised. We don't do it before, but together with the mbo schools: a very powerful approach. We do the implementation where possible with SURF."
Martijn Bijleveld, programme manager Programme Cybersecurity MBO at MBO Digital


SURF's members work on cyber resilience in the Innovation Zone (Cyber)Security. The MBO does so in the Programme Cyber Security MBO. The two programmes have a lot in common. That is why SURF and the MBO Council are now working together on this. One of the starting points is to prevent every institution from reinventing the wheel. By joining forces, MBO institutions - and other educational and research institutions in the sector - can become even more cyber-ready faster and better.

"The threat of breaches at institutions is increasing, so we need to take security to the next level. This requires attention, time, money and, above all, cooperation."
Albert Hankel, programme manager innovation zone (cyber)security at SURF

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Photo: de Beeldredaktie / Sander Koning