Support from SURF
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
For handling malfunctions of infrastructure services, SURF has a helpdesk. You can report failures in your institution's network and operational actions there. The helpdesk can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via:
- 088-SURFNET (+31 88 787 36 38)
- helpdesk@surf.nl
Only for registered helpdesk callers
Please note that you can only contact the Infrastructure Services Helpdesk if you are a registered helpdesk caller. These are:
- the contact person for the institution (ICP)
- the institution coordinator (ICO)
- the Site Security Contact (SSC)
Additional helpdesk callers can be registered with your institution's ICP.
End users can contact their own helpdesk or their ICP with faults.
Reporting malfunctions and operational actions
You can contact helpdesk@surf.nl for:
- reporting malfunctions of SURF infrastructure services
- reporting your own operational actions insofar as relevant to the link to the SURF network (power downs, etc.).
The helpdesk does not handle malfunctions in the local network of institutions or malfunctions that do not relate to SURF's infrastructure services. For these, please contact the helpdesk at your own institution.
For other questions, please e-mail SURF Klantsupport at klantsupport@surf.nl.
Registration and processing
The helpdesk registers the malfunction and coordinates its handling. To this end, the helpdesk analyses the information received and forwards it to the appropriate subcontractors. They take care of the solution, if necessary in direct consultation with the customer. Furthermore, the helpdesk ensures that the customer is kept informed of the fault handling.
Questions or complaints
Questions or complaints about the helpdesk's handling of faults can be reported to SURF Klantsupport: telephone number +31 88 787 30 00 or e-mail klantsupport@surf.nl.
The Service Level Specification (SLS) for SURF Services
The Service Level Specification (SLS) describes the service level of SURF's services. In the SLS, we have described these services as clearly and measurably as possible. NetherLight has its own Service Level Specification.
Current version
Previous versions
- SURFnet Service Level Specification SLS version 15.0 (January 2022) (pdf)
- SURFnet Service Level Specification SLS version 14.0 (June 2021) (pdf)
- SURFnet Service Level Specification SLS version 13.0 (August 2020) (pdf)
- SURFnet Service Level Specification SLS version 12.0 (July 2019) (pdf)
- SURFnet Service Level Specification version 11.0 (May 2018) (pdf)
- SURFnet service level specification version 11.0 (pdf)
- SURFnet Service Level Specification version 9.0 (March 2016) (pdf)
- SURFnet Service Level Specification SLS version 10.0 (October 2016) (pdf)
- SURFnet Service Level Specification version 7.0 (April 2013) (pdf)
SURF NOC and Infrastructure Services Helpdesk
The SURF NOC (Network Operations Centre) and Infrastructure Services Helpdesk are invested with our subcontractor Quanza Engineering. Quanza is responsible for operational network management.
When to call whom?
- At the Infrastructure Services Helpdesk you report malfunctions and operational actions related to the SURFnet network and SURFnet services. The SURFnet Helpdesk is always the first point of contact for institutions.
- The SURF NOC is available for questions about pending changes (changes or incidents) for which a ticket number already exists. You can reach the SURFnet NOC during office hours via noc@surf.nl and +31 88 787 36 60. Via the ticket number you can directly reach the appropriate NOC employee.
Please note: For disruptions in the local network and for disruptions not related to SURF services, please contact the helpdesk of your own institution.
Team Expert Network Management
Complex network management and special projects on the network are carried out by the Team Expert Network Management (TEN). Complex network management includes, for example, monitoring network capacity and responsibility for security. Major network renovations and complex changes at SURF member institutions are also carried out by the TEN, in consultation with Quanza.
SURF network connection for schools and cultural institutions
Because it is not feasible for SURF to serve all institutions funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, 2 service-provider models have been developed;
- the education service providers (OSP) model for primary and secondary schools
- the cultural service providers (CSP) model for cultural institutions.
An OSP or CSP can request a connection to the SURF network by contacting SURF Klantsupport, at klantsupport@surf.nl. Any Internet service provider (ISP) or other institution or company can act as an OSP or CSP. This party is authorised to put Internet traffic on the SURF network of institutions within SURF's target group at equal conditions. OSPs and CSPs are not given access to our other services; they provide their own services to schools and cultural institutions.
SURFcert is available 24/7
You contact SURFcert for immediate support in the event of security incidents, cyber and DDoS attacks. This support is only for institutions connected to the SURF network.
- +31 30 230 51 12
- cert@surfcert.nl
About SURFcert
SURFcert is the Computer Emergency Response Team for education and research. In the event of cyber attacks, SURFcert provides support and advice. This team consists of security experts from member institutions and SURF. They are on standby 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and continuously check for threats on the SURF network and act on them proactively. They are also in close contact with the Incident Response Teams at member institutions. SURFcert also maintains contact with other relevant organisations such as the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC).
Vendor Portfolio (formerly License Desk Software & Cloud) and the License Desk Content help you with questions about licences and products. You can contact them if your institution pays the basic fee Procurement & Digital Platforms for SURF's procurement services.
Vendor Portfolio
The SURF Vendor Portfolio team is responsible for making the complete portfolio created by the IT procurement service available correctly and on time. They are primarily the point of contact for employees of the institutions in the role of software contact person, but project managers and IT staff of institutions can also come here.
At Vendor Portfolio you can ask all your questions about:
- The My SURF portal, supply, portfolio and statuses of placed orders, tenders and deliveries.
- The Basic Fee Procurement and Digital Platforms, participation in contracts and tenders, templates model contracts and processing agreements and how a mini-competition works.
- The annual number registration completed by institutions through the customer portal on the numbers of employees, students and end users.
- The terms and conditions, through a product information management system (PIM), the products and associated contracts are entered.
- The product descriptions, updates and news about the often complex licence structures and licence models.
- The product and/or functionality changes or extensions to the range. There is daily contact with providers and suppliers about this.
- Choosing the right licences, products and/or services.
Accessibility Vendor Portfolio
- Via our customer portal My SURF
- By e-mail to vendorportfolio@surf.nl
- By telephone on working days on +31 88 787 37 01
- from 09.00 to 12.00
- from 13.00 to 17.00 hours
License Desk Content
- Via the customer portal ConsortiaManager
- By e-mail: content-inkoop@surf.nl
- By phone on working days +31 88 787 37 02
- from 09.00 to 12.00
- from 13.00 to 17.00 hours
SURF reception can be reached by phone from 09.00 to 17.00 via +31 88 787 30 00. They will forward your callback request to us by e-mail.
For detailed information, see My SURF page contact, questions and advice.
Would you like to purchase licences for software, cloud services and content from us? Then register with My SURF.
Registering for education
You can register your institution to make use of our services and range of licences for software, cloud services and content. Make sure you send the necessary proof to show that your institution meets all the criteria. View the conditions.
Register your institution
Depending on the conditions, please send us a copy of the following original documents for this purpose:
- recent annual report
- recent annual accounts
- recent annual plan
- articles of association
- letters and/or statements from the ministry stating roles, subsidies, et cetera.
If you provide complete data for the proof after your registration via aanmelden@surfmarket.nl, this will significantly speed up your registration.
Registration for institutions >>
SURF strives to continuously improve its services. Customer complaints play an essential role in this.
Complaint is an opportunity for improvement
Complaints offer an opportunity to change existing inaccuracies and improve existing procedures. The complaint can be a signal that the efficiency of the method used is not optimal.
A complaint about procurement services
You can submit a complaint by e-mail or by telephone to any employee of SURF. You can also use the form on our website or contact customer manager Maaike Hazewinkel directly at klachten@surfmarket.nl. We ask you to submit your complaint as soon as possible after the event that caused the complaint took place. We would like to receive the following information:
- the event(s) that gave rise to the complaint
- where and when these events took place
- why you disagree with what happened
- if possible, who the employees involved were
- your request or proposal
Complaints procedure for tenders
Do you have a complaint about a tender? First read the SURF tendering complaints procedure:
- SURF Procurement Complaints Procedure (valid from 15 April 2021).
You can submit your complaint via klachtencommissie.aanbestedingen@surf.nl.
Processing your complaint
As soon as SURF has received your complaint, you will receive confirmation thereof. SURF staff will then do their utmost to resolve your complaint. We aim to send you a response within two days. Naturally, your complaint will be dealt with confidentially.
If you are not satisfied with the procedure and/or substantive handling of the complaint, you may lodge an appeal. You can submit your appeal to team manager Customer Management Sandra Passchier at sandra.passchier@surf.nl. She will then investigate and handle your appeal. Depending on the situation, the Customer Management team manager may assign an independent person within SURF to investigate and deal with the complaint.
Need support using our data or computing services or have a comment? If so, please contact us via the Service Desk.
Our helpdesk is available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm, except on the following public holidays:
- New Year's Day
- Good Friday
- Easter Monday
- King's Day (27 April)
- Ascension Day
- Whit Monday
- Christmas Day and Boxing Day
- New Year's Day
Information requested
You help us greatly by giving us as much information as possible when you submit your support request or complaint. We need at least the following information:
- your name
- your user or login name
- your e-mail address and/or telephone number
and, depending on the problem:
- the name of the computer system concerned
- the location of the jobscript
- the identification number of the batch job
Guaranteed response times
If you send your question or complaint to our service desk portal, you will receive a confirmation of receipt from us within 2 hours. You will then receive an answer or solution within 16 hours of receiving our acknowledgement. If this is not feasible, we will let you know within 16 hours. We will also give you an estimate of the time we will need to process your query or complaint.
Other response times
The guaranteed response times only apply to questions and complaints received via the service desk. If you submit your question or complaint via another e-mail address or telephone number, we will of course answer it too, but not within the guaranteed response times.
Please do not hesitate to contact us. We try to handle every question, complaint or request to the best of our ability!
ISO 27001 certification
Customers of our data and computing services must be confident that research data and other confidential information stored and processed at SURF are in safe hands. SURF is ISO 27001-certified. This means that we meet the high requirements of this international standard in the field of information security.
General terms and conditions for data and computing services
Version 1 (pdf, May 2016) of the SURF general terms and conditions apply to agreements concluded before 16 October 2019.
Version 1.3 (pdf, 23 April 2021) of the SURF general terms and conditions apply to all agreements (including renewals) concluded from 16 October 2019 onwards.
What is tendering?
In short, tendering is the process by which a client announces that it wants to purchase a particular service from a supplier. Interested suppliers can then submit tenders. On a set date, the tender closes and the client selects the supplier that best suits the task and requirements and awards the contract to this supplier. Tendering takes place only when the value of the contract is above the tender limit.
Advantages of procurement cooperation
Jointly tendering IT contracts provides institutions with a number of advantages:
- you can be confident that all contracts purchased through SURF comply with the most up-to-date legislation and regulations;
- because of the large volume and the sharing of knowledge, capacity and experience, we guarantee an optimum contract with the best price and conditions;
- joint tendering saves you costs on your own procurement process;
- contract management can largely be left to SURF.
Tender calendar
On My SURF you can view the procurement calendar (login). After logging in, the calendar is visible to contact persons at SURF's member institutions. It shows all current and future tenders. This allows you to decide in advance which tenders are interesting. This calendar shows per IT category which tenders will start in the next four years and what stage current tenders are in.
Complaint about tender
Are you participating in a SURF tender procedure and do you have a complaint about it? Read the procedure for dealing with complaints about tendering:
- SURF Procurement Complaints Procedure (pdf) - valid from 15 April 2021
Procurement relationship
SURF's services covered by the tendering relationship are the mediation for members, enabling them to purchase services and software on the best conditions. However, these services and software themselves are not covered by the procurement relationship. An institution may therefore be obliged to tender for services and software for which SURF mediates.
In the case of software and cloud services from SURF's core package, it has been agreed with institutions that SURF will take over responsibility for legality.
Institutions pay for the performance of all activities relating to the purchase of this core package. A large part of the services are paid for on the basis of the rate set for each institution in SURF's service agreement. For a number of services in the core package, institutions are charged an additional amount if they purchase them.
SURF is not a market player and will not subscribe to a public tender, regardless of whether the tenderer is a member of SURF. SURF itself is a tendering organisation.
Meeting facilities at SURF
SURF has meeting facilities for members at Hoog Catharijne in Utrecht or in the SURF Science Park building in Amsterdam. Below you will find more information on the conditions and possibilities.
Opening hours
Our meeting facilities can be used from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Booking meeting rooms
For more information and to book meeting rooms, please email zaalreserveringen@surf.nl. Please include the following information about the meeting by e-mail:
- your contact at SURF
- date
- start and end time
- number of people
- whether you would like to have lunch or drinks
If a room is available, we will place the room on option. We will send you a reservation form. As soon as we receive this completed form, the reservation is final.
Food, drinks, drinks
Coffee, tea and water are available free of charge from the coffee machines. It is also possible to order lunch and/or drinks with your room reservation, for which we will charge the costs.
- Lunch for €10.43 p.p.
- Soft drinks for €4.75 p.p.
- Drinks with soft drinks, beer, wine, crisps and nuts for €8 p.p.
How to reach SURF Utrecht
- We recommend coming to SURF by public transport.
- There are car parks nearby. See the directions.
- SURF has neither its own parking facilities nor exit tickets for the car parks mentioned in the directions.
At 3.3 and 3.5, a flexible wall makes it possible to turn 2 meeting rooms into 1 large one. The other rooms have a fixed layout.
- 3.4 is suitable for 12 people
- 3.3 is suitable for 20 people in a square configuration
- 3.5 is suitable for 40 people in a school layout
- 3.3 and 3.5 combined can accommodate 60 people in a school set-up
- 3.6 is suitable for 8 persons
- 4.1 is suitable for 10 persons
- 4.3 is suitable for 10 persons
- 4.4 is suitable for 12 persons
The meeting rooms are equipped as standard with:
- presentation screen with HDMI/VGA connection
- Logitech Rally hybrid set which you connect to your laptop with 1 USB-A cable and 1 HDMI cable (possibly with Hub)
- wifi
- flipchart
Opening hours
Our meeting facilities can be used from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Booking meeting rooms
For more information and to book meeting rooms, please email zaalreserveringen@surf.nl. Please include the following information about the meeting by e-mail:
- your contact at SURF
- date
- start and end time
- number of people
- whether you would like to have lunch or drinks
If a room is available, we will place the room on option. We will send you a reservation form. As soon as we receive this completed form, the reservation is final.
Food, drinks, drinks
Coffee, tea and water are available free of charge from the coffee machines. It is also possible to order lunch and/or drinks with your room reservation, the costs of which we will charge.
- Lunch for €12.41 p.p.
- Soft drinks for €4.75 p.p.
- Drinks with soft drinks, beer, wine, crisps and nuts for €8 p.p.
How to reach SURF Amsterdam
You can easily reach SURF Amsterdam by public transport or by car. You can park on site and exit cards are available at reception. View the detailed information on accessibility and parking.
Available rooms
A flexible wall makes it possible to turn 2 meeting rooms into 1 large meeting room.
- Meeting room 1 is suitable for 12 persons
- Meeting room 2 is suitable for 16 persons
- Meeting room 3 is suitable for 16 people
- Meeting room 1 and 2 combined can accommodate 24 people in U-arrangement and 50 people in theatre arrangement
The meeting rooms are equipped as standard with
- presentation screen with HDMI/VGA connection
- Logitech Rally hybrid set which you connect to your laptop with 1 USB-A cable and 1 HDMI cable (possibly with Hub)
- wifi
- flipchart
Conditions for using the meeting facilities
- You work for a SURF member institution.
- SURF must be substantively or otherwise involved in the subject of the meeting. This means that a SURF colleague is participating and/or is the contact person for the reservation.
- You can book a room up to 2 months in advance.
- We do not charge room rent, but in return we ask you to leave the room tidy.
Lunch and drinks SURF Utrecht
Have you booked a meeting room at SURF? That always includes free coffee, tea, water and biscuits. You can also order lunch or drinks. Below is an overview of the assortment and costs.
All lunches cost €9.50 per person. We order the SURF lunch as standard. But you can also order one of our other lunches. The different types of lunches are vegetarian/vegan and served with semi-skimmed milk, orange juice and hand fruit as standard. For all lunches, sandwiches with cheese and meat are served separately. Any allergies or dietary requirements? That's no problem either! Just mention it when making your reservation and we will take them into account.
SURF lunch
- These sandwiches are filled with Dutch cheese and meat.
- 2 small malt/dough rolls
- 1 hard roll / assortment of sandwiches
- milk/buttermilk
- hand fruit
Sandwich lunch
Tasty richly filled 3-layer sandwiches, brown, corn and white bread (2 per person) topped with a.o:
- old cheese with pear syrup and fresh pickled lettuce (vega)
- classic BLT sandwich, toasted with turkey and mild mustard mayonnaise
- ham on the bone with cheese, tomato, cucumber and egg salad
- roast beef with basil pesto and pecorino cheese
- mozzarella, tomato with pesto sauce (vega)
Italian lunch
An Italian experience of freshly baked luxury breads and Italian toppings with matching garnishes and dressings:
- foccacia with various Italian cold meats
- mini spelt or malt bun with various vegetarian Italian toppings (vega)
- mini spelt or malt bun with Italian fish fillings
French farmer's lunch
Our most popular lunch with delicious French products and French viennoiseries:
- luxury 3-layer sandwich filling
- freshly baked baguette or cereal roll with toppings and garnish
- assortment of freshly baked viennioserie: croissants and sultanas or cinnamon rolls
Wrap lunch
3 tasty, richly filled wraps (1/3)
- wrap with farm cheese, egg salad and mixed lettuce
- wrap with grilled chicken, avocado, lettuce and sweet chilli sauce
- wrap with smoked salmon, herb cheese, cucumber and lettuce
Antoine Lunch
- 1/5 wrap with various fillings including farm cheese, avocado, chicken curry salad
- tramezzini roll with a.o. salmon and carpaccio
- artisanal breads with a delicious assortment of dressings and local toppings including farm cheese, goat's cheese and cold cuts
Salads complement the above lunches and cost €3.99 per person for a small salad (85g) or €8.25 per person for a meal salad (150g). If you order a salad with lunch, order a sandwich lunch for fewer people.
- Pasta salad: tomato, mozzarella, pesto
- Caprese salad: tomato, mozzarella and basil
- Smoked chicken salad: smoked chicken, egg, bacon, mesclun and avocado
- Salad quinoa and lentils: grilled vegetables, homemade pesto and rocket salad
- Salad niçoise: tuna, lettuce, capers, vegetables and egg
- Ceasar salad: leaf lettuce, chicken, croutons, bacon and ceasar dressing and Parmesan cheese
- Beetroot salad: with pesto and mozzarella
If you would like to have drinks after your meeting (until 17:30 at the latest), you have the following options:
Soft drinks
If you would like something other than coffee or tea, we can prepare a wide range of soft drinks for you for €4.50 per person.
You can extend the drinks with beer and wine (white and red), crisps and nuts. This costs 3.25 euros per person, on top of the 4.50 euros for the soft drinks.