Towards more transparent SURF services

In 2020, we launched 1SURF. While all our services - for instance the SURF network, the supercomputer and all joint procurement and tendering processes - continued as usual, we set up a renewed organisation. As a result, we are now delivering a number of service harmonisation projects. What will SURF members see from this?

jongen met VR-bril

My SURF: your portfolio in one place

It will soon be a lot easier to keep track of all the services you purchase from SURF. And to purchase new services. We are in fact working on an online environment where you can do all that: My SURF.

One portal with all SURF services

Currently, you take services from SURF in different ways and through different contacts. We are working on 1SURF in different areas to improve this. One of these is My SURF, an entirely new portal where you will soon have a complete overview of your portfolio.

Everything in one central place online

There you will see directly which SURF services and products your institution already uses, including all rates, contracts and other information associated with them. My SURF also shows which services you do not yet use. With this, we offer more overview to handle all your affairs centrally. For example, managing your contacts and renewing your contracts.

This will make it a lot easier to see which services SURF offers, which services you use and which documents go with them. This will give you a good overview of your portfolio.

More information

We have listed some frequently asked questions for you (only in Dutch). 

Towards more transparent SURF services

In 2020, we launched 1SURF. While all our services continued as usual, we set up a renewed organisation. As a first result, we delivered the SURF Strategy 2022-2027. Now, we are now delivering a number of service harmonisation projects, amongst which is the 'My SURF' project.