Digital learning environment
Students and lecturers have ever-changing needs when it comes to using tools in education. An institution must be able to respond flexibly to this with its digital learning environment. But how do you arrive at a vision of the learning environment, what is a modular learning environment, and what integration issues are involved? SURF is looking into this so that students can eventually follow high-quality education independent of time and place.
Studente in bibliotheek met computer online

That made not only us, but also the whole room realise that we really need to change the base. Especially as the future focuses on student-centred learning.

Iris Huis in 't Veld

Iris Huis in ‘t Veld


Vision digital learning environment

Students and lecturers have ever-changing needs when it comes to using tools in education. An institution must be able to respond flexibly to this with its digital learning environment. How do you form a vision of the digital learning environment? And how do you keep it future-proof?

Recalibrating vision of digital learning environment

Herijking van de digitale leeromgeving 2022

SURF paid continuous attention to the digital learning environment of higher education institutions over the past decade and developed a vision with the term component vision (2012). In it, we present the digital learning environment as "the set of systems, organised by an institution, aimed at teaching and learning".

But what is the state of the learning environment in 2022? And what is the impact of developments within education and technology on the digital learning environment? Over thirty experts investigated this. You can read the results in this publication.

Read the report

Working methods for recalibrating the vision of the digital learning environment

Werkvorm herijking van de digitale leeromgeving

For the reassessment of the vision on the digital learning environment, we developed two working forms. You can also use these forms of work if you want to start your own reassessment or development of the DLO vision.