Sustainability and CSR
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Together with the education and research sector, we want to make the use of electronics as circular as possible. This will prevent electronic waste from ending up in a garbage dump in Africa.
Corporate social responsibility
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Lisa compute cluster now faster and more energy-efficient
Using faster servers, Lisa is now more energy-efficient, while the compute power has nearly doubled.
Groene Peper
The sustainability event for future education
25-28 May 2021
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Trading network switches for phones from Africa
For the first time, we have managed to do this in a completely circular way, thanks to a collaboration with Closing the Loop.
Best practice: e-waste at HAN and RUG
How do you deal with e-waste in a more sustainable way? Learn from the experiences of Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen and Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
Energy savings for institutes that share cloud storage
Institutes that store their data in the cloud instead of on their own server save a great deal of energy.
Computer models in the fight against plastic soup
The Ocean Cleanup wants to remove "plastic soup" from the oceans. This organisation has now received help in doing so from SURF.
Report 'Power: more green, really green'
How can higher education contribute to the energy transition in the Netherlands?
Case study: 20% energy savings with easy trick
With Demand Based Switching, a processor automatically reduces its clock speed during limited utilisation.
Save energy with a shared e-infrastructure
Sharing their e-infrastructure provides education and research institutions with considerable energy savings. Read the recommendations in this report.
Best practice: Living lab for a sustainable world
The Green Village tests sustainable and smart technologies in a real-life environment. The data infrastructure was developed in collaboration with SURF (article in Dutch).
LEAP data centre coalition
Our data consumption will grow exponentially in the coming years. Until 2030 we expect an increase of 20 times the current consumption. We are already seeing that ever larger data centres are becoming increasingly difficult to fit into the energy and spatial system. To investigate how we can solve this problem, companies and authorities from the Amsterdam data centre chain, including SURF, have joined forces in LEAP (Lower Energy Acceleration Program).