
Webinar GPT-NL: an update for education

A year ago, the project to create GPT-NL was launched and picked up by various media. But how did this idea come about, how is the development progressing, and what do we expect GPT-NL to do for the education sector? You will hear more about this in this webinar.

studenten werken achter laptop
27 Jun 2024
11:00 - 12:00 uur

Developing a strong language model in an open and transparent way is a challenge. Language models are the foundations of generative AI tools and should therefore represent our values. The Netherlands is taking an important step in this direction with GPT-NL: a project lead by non-profit parties TNO, NFI and SURF that will deliver a Dutch-centric language model while strengthening public expertise and hands-on experience in the field of language models. The project also aims to provide an incentive for research and innovation in the field. In this talk, we will present the idea behind the project, the current status, SURF's position and how we expect it to impact the education sector.