Informative session

SURFcumulus steering committee meeting

How do you make sure your cloud environment remains secure? And do you still have enough insight into your cost management? During this meeting on 18 June, you will get tips on how to secure your cloud and keep a grip on cloud costs. Of course, you will also hear all about the developments surrounding the OCRE 2024 tender and meet other cloud experts.

Abeelding SURF, it department Wageningen
19 Nov 2024
From 12:00 to 17:00
SURF office in Utrecht

For whom.

IT managers, (cloud) architects, information managers, policymakers and directors.


Will follow as soon as possible.

Sharing in a network of cloud experts

The SURF Community Cloudcomputing is a platform where cloud experts exchange information, experiences and stories from practice. Also want to share your cloud story? Join us!

Registration and cancellation