SURF special interest groups: share your knowledge on IT innovation

SURF brings IT professionals together within networks and collaboration projects for knowledge sharing around IT innovation. Experts from educational institutions collaborate in SURF's special interest groups (SIGs) with colleagues from other institutions. They share and develop knowledge on current IT themes in education and research.

IT innovation communities

SURF's Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are knowledge communities (communities) around specific themes focusing on IT innovation in education and research. They form an extensive network of professionals involved in SURF's innovation projects and in disseminating the resulting knowledge.

Network of professionals

Within a special interest group, experts from education and research institutions and substantively interested parties form part of a community around a specific IT theme. Each SIG designates one content expert as the SIG's chairman, who acts as its first contact person. Every year, each SIG provides an annual plan with objectives, activities and intended results.

Enthusiastic? Get involved!

Are you interested in following one or more SIGs or becoming a member? You can do so by signing up on SURF Communities. Also contribute: react, discuss, share and find knowledge and contacts.

What SIGs are there?

SURF's special interest groups are knowledge communities (communities) around specific themes focusing on IT innovation in education and research. Below you can read about which themes SURF has set up a SIG.

Artificial Intelligence

This starting SIG wants to bring together and expand knowledge and insights around artificial intelligence, both practical applications and ethical and social aspects.

Blended Learning

At many institutions, small or large steps are being taken to implement blended learning. How do you ensure that lecturers are supported in (re)designing education to a blended variant? How do you design the optimal blend? What exactly does not work and why not? The SIG Blended Learning is looking into these kinds of questions and the exchange and accessibility of this information.

Compute Resources for Life Science Research

The joint SURF-DTL SIG 'Compute Resources for Life Science Research' focuses on sharing knowledge and experiences in building and using a computing infrastructure for large-scale research projects in the life sciences.

Digital Testing

Digital testing is comprehensive and specialised. Knowledge sharing is therefore very useful. Join, via SURF Communities, the enthusiastic group of professionals in this SIG.

Digital Learning and Working Environment

How to improve student and teacher ICT skills? On SURF Communities you can share, find and discuss knowledge around DLWE.

Green ict and sustainability

Greening ict, how can you do that? But also: how can we use ict to make education, research or operations more sustainable? Read, share and discuss along on SURF Communities.

Learning analytics

Learning analytics is about collecting, analysing and interpreting data about students in education. The data collected can be used to improve education. Check SURF Communities for the SIG Learning Analytics.

Learning Spaces

The SIG Learning Spaces promotes and structures cross-institutional sharing of expertise and knowledge on innovative Learning Spaces. Visit SURF Communities for more information on this SIG.

Media & Education

The SIG Media & Education focuses on (didactic) video applications within higher education. The members of the SIG follow trends and innovations and exchange knowledge. The SIG also focuses on copyright, privacy, metadata and smart reuse of open video materials. Previously, the Media & Education SIG was split into two SIGs, namely Weblectures and WEBstroom.

Educational logistics

Educational logistics help to educate students at a high level in the shortest possible learning pathways, making optimal use of teachers, locations and learning resources. Check SURF Communities for the SIG Educational Logistics.

Open Education

Open Education facilitates and promotes community building, knowledge development, knowledge sharing, collaboration and vision creation regarding open education within higher education in the Netherlands. On SURF Communities you will find news, relevant resources and conference blogs.

Secure Data Linkage

The Safe Data Linking special interest group focuses on the safe exchange and linking of personal data for research purposes.


Do you want to stay informed about educational initiatives on serious gaming, simulations and virtual worlds? Then follow the SIG Virtuality.


Information from 'big data'? Visualisation can help you. Looking for contact with (other) visualisation experts or visualisation tips and tools? Then join the Visualisation SIG.