
Master class Effective leadership for security and privacy professionals

Would you like to further develop your skills to become even more effective as a security or privacy professional? In this three-day master class, you will learn techniques to convince your management, be introduced to best practices from other organisations and share your knowledge and experience with the other participants.

Effectief liederschap
04 Oct 2024 — 08 Jan 2025
4 October, 6 November and 8 January from 9 a.m.-5.30 p.m.
SURF office, Utrecht

Structure of the master class

The master class consists of three days where you meet physically. Beforehand, there is a telephone intake of about half an hour to discuss your personal learning goals. This input and a SWOT analysis you write during the course are your guiding principles for the master class.

During the master class, there is plenty of room to spar with the lecturer individually about learning objectives or any challenges at work. At the end of the master class, you practice with actors and present your learning moments in an action plan for the other participants.

The master classes are highly interactive. It is above all a practice-oriented programme in which you also bring in your own cases (obviously in the strictest confidence). For some parts of the day, you receive literature and/or have some specific homework questions.


Day 1: Friday 4 October
09.00 to 13.00: Personal effectiveness and my management

Roland Notermans rapidly covers the essence of governance, risk, compliance and ESG: lots of tips, best and good practices that you could apply yourself in order to increase the effectiveness of your approach. Roland discusses questions such as: what are hard and soft controls and nudges, what do you need to know about them? What can you do with them in practice? Which good examples does he see in many other organisations that we could also apply ourselves? Why do they increase the effectiveness of your programme? What can we learn from Amy Edmondson, Naomi Ellemers, Nobel Prize winners Richard Thaler and Daniel Kahneman? How to increase effectiveness and convince managers?

13.30 to 17.15: (Inter-)Personal Effectiveness and the Other

This afternoon is dedicated to working on one's own personal effectiveness. Anne Geertsema shares her insights on core qualities and pitfalls, allergies and challenges, communication walls as well as the importance of better understanding the other in interpersonal communication, in order to increase your own effectiveness and that of your approach.

Day 2: Wednesday 6 November
09.00 to 13.00: Personal effectiveness: you and another person

After a short introduction, led by Anton Pieter van Logtestijn, we will work on drives of yourself and the other (based on a preliminary MMI-7 colour survey), limiting patterns and unconscious beliefs. We also look at how to better convince the other person by better understanding their drives. What makes some people more effective than others? What can you learn from them? How can you be (more) convincing towards managers, even when the pressure from the organisation increases, or when you cannot force decisions.

13:30 to 17:15: Personal effectiveness: you and groups

In the afternoon, we shift the focus to convincing your own team, other departments, other organisations, the Board Members. What are they sensitive to? What do they want to achieve and avoid? Where are common interests and win-win situations? What can cohesion, feedback, dialogue, addressing and trust contribute to success? Why is E=KxA so important to remember and apply? How can you build and increase trust?

Day 3: Wednesday 8 January
09.00 to 12.30: Practice personal effectiveness yourself

We'll zoom in on questions like:

  • How do I conduct my most difficult conversations?
  • How do I come across and become more effective in groups?
  • How do I deal with strong resistance or even intimidation?

We do this by practising with actors based on your own case. For those who want, you can practice the most difficult conversations by trying out different styles a few times.

13:00 to 17:30: Your own presentations and learning from each other

On the last day of class, each course participant gives a presentation based on their own SWOT analysis and lessons learned in the past weeks and a plan of action to increase your effectiveness.

Expected results

The master class will help you bridge the gap from the position of professional to the position of effective trusted advisor. The course deepens your skills to get managers, groups and obstructionists moving, to facilitate difficult dilemmas and to integrate latest insights, best practices and tips into your own approach.

Led by experienced trainers, you will improve your ability to position yourself as a full interlocutor with board members, senior management and front-line staff.

The master class delivers a concrete plan of action and a certificate of participation from The Compliance Academy with 24 PE/PO points.

For whom?

The master class "Effective leadership for security and privacy professionals" is specially designed for all security and privacy professionals and managers (to be) who want to deepen their skills under the guidance of highly experienced professionals in a group of like-minded people to gain insight into how these skills can be developed.

After the masterclass, you will have:

  • developed skills and greater self-insight, and understand others better
  • insight into governance and organisational processes, communication and (political) power relations
  • a broader or new perspective as you work with experienced lecturers, actors and fellow participants from other organisations.


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