Starting with edubadges

Do you want to start issuing edubadges to students within your mbo, hbo or woinstitution? The first step is to connect your institution to the edubadges platform. Then you can start using edubadges. Steps 2 to 5 explain how to use edubadges for a specific course, or within a faculty, department or your entire institution.

Twee studenten in een open hal met een laptop

Step 6: success factors

Make sure you engage and guide learners in starting edubadges.

Manage edubadges by the learners

From the edubadges backpack, learners can manage edubadges. By default, the edubadge is set to 'private', meaning the data is not publicly accessible. The learner can set the edubadge to 'public' and can then share the edubadge via social media and/or email.

Success factor: What can students do with edubadges? Tell it!

What can the student do with the edubadge he or she has received? For example, think about profiling towards future employers, or demonstrating existing knowledge and skill when transferring to further education.

Success factor: engage learners in using edubadges and backpack together!

It is crucial that you tell students and professionals to whom you want to award edu badges what edu badges are, what they can do with them, what you are awarding them for and how it works practically.

The backpack activation and linking the institution correctly are crucial steps in receiving a learner's first edu badge. Do this especially in class or guide the learner individually.

Tip: don't make your own manual, it saves a lot of work and prevents incorrect instruction!

Success factor: provide an edubadge with clear added value for the learner!

A prerequisite for a successful digital certificate is that the target group sees a clear added value in using it and therefore finds it important to receive a digital certificate. When developing it, keep the following questions in mind: 'how does this edubadge fit into the learner's learning experience as a whole?' and 'what place does this certificate have in education and what can the learner do with it?'.

Success factor: management! 

Check regularly whether there are still open applications or unclaimed direct awards.

  • Are there open applications? Always ask why.
  • Are there unclaimed direct awards? Check what is going on and/or send a reminder. If necessary contact us.

Success factor: check the key value-added badge indicators for the institution

Regularly review the claim rate per badge class in the 'Insight' tab: this shows the extent to which learners 'claim' (is actively adding to their backpack) or in other words, consider their issued edubadge important. The lecturer also has the option to send a reminder to the learner (from the unclaimed edubadges tab).

Regularly check the number of 'publicly claimed edubadges' by learners via the Insight tab: this shows the extent to which learners intend to use their acquired edubadge publicly (e.g. by adding it on LinkedIn or sharing it with employers).

Draw lessons from these percentages, note lessons learned and take action. Is it a badge that students find not interesting enough? Above all, link this back within your institution to the relevant people.