Starting with edubadges

Do you want to start issuing edubadges to students within your mbo, hbo or woinstitution? The first step is to connect your institution to the edubadges platform. Then you can start using edubadges. Steps 2 to 5 explain how to use edubadges for a specific course, or within a faculty, department or your entire institution.

Twee studenten in een open hal met een laptop

Step 5: Set up the system

When can you start handing out edubadges?

You can start issuing edubadges as soon as:

  1. the edubadge service has created your institution in the platform
  2. your edubadge institution admin has filled in the corresponding institutional metadata fields. The service invites the institution admin(s) to go through these first steps together in the system.
  3. you have set up at least one issuer group, one issuer and one first badge class and everything is ready to issue the edubadge(s) to your learners.

Demo try and learn!

Before you start working in the edubadges platform, it is useful to try out your layout and practice creating and handing out a test edubadge-class. You can do this in the demo environment. Once you are logged in there, you can try out how to modify, revoke (revoke) or delete an edubadge class.

Request training

Would you like to familiarize (a group of) colleagues with the platform? That is possible via our system training. Request a training via In this training, we walk through the platform together and show you all the functionalities.