Starting with edubadges

Do you want to start issuing edubadges to students within your mbo, hbo or woinstitution? The first step is to connect your institution to the edubadges platform. Then you can start using edubadges. Steps 2 to 5 explain how to use edubadges for a specific course, or within a faculty, department or your entire institution.

Twee studenten in een open hal met een laptop

Step 4: structure your edubadge activities

Structure all your edubadge activities in an orderly way and assign a person responsible for each edubadge.

SURF's edubadge service supports you in:

  • (fine-grained) clustering of badge classes on the platform, based on your own requirements and roles. Would you like to check your desired clustering with the service? Contact us directly to make an appointment.
  • Assigning rights that fit your organisational structure. This can be done at four levels.
  • obtaining insight into the edubadges activities within your institution using the 'Insight' reporting tool.

Roles and rights

For each edubadge cluster, you decide which roles and rights to assign. For example, you can decide that the creation of badge classes and the awarding of edubadges should be done by different people. You can also choose to give lecturers only the right to issue an edubadge and not to create new badge classes.

The edubadge institution admin periodically assesses whether individuals within your institution have the correct role and rights.

Edubadge value in the future

If you issue edubadges within a pilot or experimental setting, make sure that the edubadges retain their value in the future.

Keep the following in mind:

  • Once the badge is issued, you cannot change it; you can only 'revoke' it.
  • The issuer and badge class fields that are visible to the recipient and viewer cannot be changed.
  • So the issuer always remains.
  • So the badge class also always remains for its recipient. However, as an institution, you can decide to stop issuing the badge class and archive it.
  • The issuer group and institution metadata can always be modified.