Starting with edubadges

Do you want to start issuing edubadges to students within your mbo, hbo or woinstitution? The first step is to connect your institution to the edubadges platform. Then you can start using edubadges. Steps 2 to 5 explain how to use edubadges for a specific course, or within a faculty, department or your entire institution.

Twee studenten in een open hal met een laptop

Connecting to the edubadges platform

Before you can start using edubadges, your institution must be connected to SURF's edubadges platform. View the list of member institutions below.

Member institutions


  • Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Maastricht University
  • University of Groningen
  • Tilburg University
  • TU Delft
  • TU Eindhoven
  • University of Twente
  • University of Utrecht
  • VU University Amsterdam
  • Wageningen University Research
  • University of Amsterdam
  • Radboud University

Universities of applied sciences

  • Aeres University of applied sciences
  • Avans
  • Breda University of Applied Sciences
  • Fontys University of Applied Sciences
  • The Hague University of Applied Sciences
  • HAN University of Applied sciences
  • Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen
  • HAS University of applied sciences
  • University of applied sciences Amsterdam
  • University of applied sciences
  • University of applied sciences iPabo
  • University of Applied Sciences Marnix
  • University of applied sciences Rotterdam
  • Saxion University of Applied Sciences
  • University of applied sciences Utrecht
  • Hotel School
  • NHL Stenden University of applied sciences
  • Thomas More University of applied sciences
  • Windesheim University of Applied Sciences
  • Zuyd University of applied sciences
  • Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences


  • Albeda
  • Deltion College
  • VISTA College
  • mboRijnland
  • Is your institution already listed and do you know who your edubadges setting admin is? Then contact your edubadges setting admin, this colleague can tell you exactly how it works.
  • Is your institution connected, but don ' t know who your edubadges institution administrator is? Then request the contact details of your institution's edubadges institution administrator via This colleague owns the institution data within the edubadges platform and can tell you exactly how it works.
  • Is your institution not listed, but would you like to connect to the edubadge platform? Then first follow the four steps 'Mijn SURF', 'setting bases', 'SURFconext' and 'institution admin' below.

You can get started if your ICP (SURF Institution Contact Person) or BVI (SURF Authorised Representative of the Institution) in Mijn SURF.

  • applied for the edubadges service
  • has designated an edubadges-institution-admin

The ICP or BVI will receive an e-mail request from the edubadges team to arrange these matters. Naturally, you will receive a copy of this and we will let you know when it has been done.

Applying for edubadges services

Requesting SURF services in the portal Mijn SURF is the responsibility of the ICP (SURF Institution Contact Person) or BVI (SURF Authorised Representative of the Institution). The ICP or BVI can also see the costs and sign the necessary contracts in Mijn SURF


  • For every higher education institution (universities of applied sciences and universities) affiliated to SURF, the service is part of the basic package and available. If the fee is adjusted, this is done at the annual fee changes in January. To use edu badges, the higher education institution must sign the attachment to the user agreement.
  • For MBO and other sectors affiliated to SURF, edubadges is an additionally purchased service. This means that your institution must sign an appendix to the user agreement and that use of the service will be billed additionally.
Setting bases according to the GDPR

In this step, the institution agrees the bases for issuing edubadges and the required statements that students must agree in the edubadges platform when applying for their first edubadge. These bases may differ for each type of edubadge (formal/non-formal). In this declaration, students can read about how their educational institution and SURF handle their personal data and can consent to its processing.

What needs to be arranged?

SURF's privacy officer makes an appointment with the data protection officer/security officer/privacy officer within your institution to help choose and coordinate the statements. Prior to this, he will send an e-mail explaining the choices. SURF provides standard texts for each variation. Your institution is free to adapt these or provide other texts.

Once the institution has determined the basis and the statements have been drawn up, SURF sets this up at institutional level in the edubadges platform.

Because of the above-average impact on the primary process (compared to other SURF services), relevant privacy officers (e.g. privacy officer and/or data protection officer) of the institution are explicitly involved in this connection process. Where edubadges differs from other SURF services is that the application of edubadges is much more dependent on educational objectives. As a result, GDPR-related choices (e.g. foundations) are made on the basis of these purposes, and these choices may differ for each purpose and/or institution.

In order to match the different situations at institutions, the edubadges service supports different foundations.


Once the previous steps have been completed, SURF will ensure that you can log in to the edubadges platform via your institution account

edubadges institution admin

What does the edubadges institution admin do?



  • Maintains overview of institution edubadges initiatives, ensures they fit within the institution structure and are in line with each other.
  • Manages the institution data in the edubadges platform.
  • Consults with the edubadges initiative holder within the institution on how best to set up the desired badge structure so that it is in line with other edubadge initiatives within your institution (linking-pin function).
  • Via the "invite" function, assigns roles and rights to colleagues within your institution and keeps an overview of these assignments.
  • Periodically assesses whether employees have the correct roles and rights.
  • Advises and instructs admins at lower levels.
  • Is point of contact for SURF and regularly attends service user meetings.

Who is best placed to fulfil this role?

This important role between the business (education) and IT is best fulfilled by an employee who is used to working with systems and has knowledge of functional management. How much time it takes to fulfil this role and tasks depends entirely on the size of the edubadges initiatives within the institution.

Success factor: project manager and edubadges institution admin responsible for good set-up at the start!

In practice, it is useful to have the project manager (the initiator of the first edubadges initiative) and the institution administrator set up the platform together. In the platform, you can give both the role and rights of edubadges institution admin. In this way, you ensure that the platform is set up properly from an educational perspective (by the project leader) and from a system-technical perspective (the institution's administrator), and you immediately have a backup.

Logging into the edubadges platform

SURF creates your institution in the edubadges platform and then invites the edubadges institution admin by e-mail to accept his or her new role and rights as institution admin.

The institution admin logs in, accepts the terms of use and can start working on his or her own. The institution admin fills in your institution's metadata fields (including the institution logo and a description) and then he or she can distribute roles and rights to colleagues.

If necessary, SURF's edubadges team makes an online appointment with the institution admin to explain the options and set up the desired structure together.