Open science
Open science is a movement that advocates for a more open and participatory approach to research. SURF is contributing to this effort through our Innovation Zone: Strengthening Open Science, where we encourage sharing output (e.g. publications, data, and software) at the earliest possible stage and help make them available for reuse.
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FAIR data

The FAIR data roadmap aims to ensure the quality, findability, and accessibility of research data, enhancing the visibility and impact of research while complying with legal and regulatory requirements.

By adhering to FAIR principles, researchers can share and optimally reuse both sensitive and non-sensitive data, maintaining control over their data and the conditions under which third parties gain access.

SURF’s FAIR data roadmap emphasizes the further implementation of these principles, focusing on reproducible research, data governance, and the management of data as a shared digital commodity. Key activities include ensuring that data and software are prerequisites for reproducible research, treating FAIR data as a valuable resource, and supporting data sovereignty and governance. This approach not only aids in responsible and quality research practices but also streamlines the research process, making it easier for researchers to manage their data effectively.

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