Open Scholarly Communication
We aim to establish systems that adhere to our public values and are open access, fostering knowledge creation while recognizing and rewarding the diverse contributions of researchers, data professionals, and reviewers. This initiative also considers the recent reforms in research assessment, promoting a more equitable and accessible research environment.
SURF contributes to the national perspective on open scholarly communication, promoting and advancing sustainable publication infrastructures. We work closely with research performing organisations and research communities to explore new and innovative platforms, including those with open peer review functionalities, a national repository, and Diamond open access models. By facilitating these efforts, we help researchers engage with open publication systems and explore potential innovations, ultimately advancing the accessibility and impact of scholarly communication.
More information
- CWTS (Centre for Science and Technology Studies)
Conducts research on the dynamics of scientific research, focusing on bibliometrics, science policy, and research impact at Leiden University - CoARA (Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment)
A coalition committed to reforming research assessment practices across Europe to focus on quality and inclusivity in scholarly evaluation - Knowledge Exchange working group on Alternative Publication Platforms
Explores and promotes alternative publishing models that support open science and reduce reliance on traditional journals - KB (Koninklijke Bibliotheek)
The National Library of the Netherlands preserves and provides access to the country’s digital and physical cultural heritage for research and public use - UKB (Dutch Consortium of University Libraries and the National Library of the Netherlands)
A collaboration of Dutch university libraries and the KB, working together to improve access to scholarly information and support open science - SHB (Samenwerkingsverband Hogeschoolbibliotheken)
A network of Dutch university libraries of applied sciences, aiming to enhance information access, digital literacy, and research support across universities of applied sciences