What exactly is a DDoS attack? Why do we need to talk about it now? Is it preventable? But most importantly, what can you do if you are attacked? Listen to the SURFshort podcast.
In this episode of SURFsounds, Gül Akcaova, lead futurist at SURF and Mike Klaassen, education programme manager at Breda University of Applied Sciences talk about the Futuring discipline.
Johan Mentink, researcher at Radboud University in Nijmegen in the field of Neuromorphic computing and Benjamin Czaja, high performance computing adviser at SURF are guests to talk about the challenges as well as the opportunities.
In this episode, we talk to Peter-Paul Verbeek, technology philosopher and rector magnificus of the University of Amsterdam, and Duuk Baten, advisor responsible AI at SURF about responsible AI in education and research.
This week, Charlie van Genuchten, cyber crisis expert at SURF, updates you in 15 minutes on what exactly cyber crisis is, what are well-known examples from recent history and what you can do when a crisis occurs.