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SURFsounds special Cybersteering BONUS TRACK: Back to the Wild West

Ultimately, it is IT specialists who keep our industry safe. But with software as a service and cloud solutions, much of their work is disappearing and with it, ultimately, specialism. This is highly undesirable, argue two of our guests we heard earlier in this series: Bert Hubert (episode 1) and Roland van Rijswijk-Deij (episode 2).

This point was raised several times in a sideline by our guests. It did not make it into their episodes, but should not go unmentioned. That is why we made this short bonus episode in which they talk about the danger of losing expertise on this point. And what skills are so important to retain in your organisation concerning cyber security? Charlie van Genuchten, cyber crisis exercise specialist at SURF, tells us ánd she takes us back to what the industry looked like years ago.

This podcast is in Dutch.

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