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SURFsounds special Cybersteering episode 2: Dark clouds

Why five years ago did a large group of cyber security scientists write a fire letter to all educational institutions entitled: Cloud: think before you start? And what do you do as a board member when you get a phone call on Sunday afternoon saying you have been hacked?

Listen now to the new episode of the series Cybersteering.

In this episode, we talk to Roland van Rijswijk-Deij, professor at the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and computer scieces at the University of Twente and a member of ACCSS, Academic Cyber Security Society. He is one of the letter writers and sees that the issue is becoming more acute. That the risk is real in practice, our guest Hans Schutte, board member at ROC Mondriaan knows better than anyone else. His ROC was hacked three years ago. What would he have wanted to know before this happened? You will hear it in this new episode of Cybersteering: Dark clouds.

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