5x impact in 2023

At SURF we ensure good and innovative IT for education and research every year, together with our members. In 2023, our impact did not stay within national borders, but received international attention as well. In this annual review, you can read what we achieved in 2023.

(Inter)national collaboration in education and research in 2023

studenten in bibliotheek

At SURF, national and international collaboration is high on the agenda. Therefore, in 2023 we strengthened our collaboration with NVIDIA and facilitated the start of an OSPO community. We also invested in a new, international supercomputer and extended our cooperation with network management partner Quanza. The results of our member and customer satisfaction surveys show that our members appreciate this joining of forces, which is also demonstrated by the fact that the entire mbo joined us in 2023.

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Innovation in education and research

Neural network

How can we anticipate tomorrow's developments today? In 2023, we released the SURF Tech Trends Report, received approval to develop an open AI language model GPT-NL, won the Golden API Award for the Open Education API and launched the Experimental Technologies Platform.

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Strengthening autonomy within the sector

Mastdon op mobiele telefoon

In 2023 we launched the SURF Vendor Compliance service and a pilot for the open source platform Mastodon. In addition, we organized a kick-off for more open source in education and research. Our compliance approach gained international attention in the New York Times article 'How The Netherlands Is Taming Big Tech'. 

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Joint resilience against (cyber) crime

Deelnemer aan OZON

There is a great need to invest in cyber security within our sector. In 2023, we did so with joint cyber crisis exercises and enhanced collaboration with the MBO Council. We presented the SURF Security & Privacy Award and published the Cyber Threat Assessment 2023. 

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Successful SURF events in 2023

Robot op de SURF Onderwijsdagen 2023

We proudly look back at 249 SURF events in 2023, which attracted a total of almost 13,000 visitors. From a successful 25th edition of the SURF Education Days to innovative speakers at SURF Research Day and the SURF Networking Day.

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