Incentive scheme Open and online education

IT in education offers opportunities for innovation and quality improvement. The Minister of Education, Culture and Science made funding available for the last time in 2022 through the Open and Online Education Incentive Scheme. Read more about the projects from the incentive scheme.

Stimuleringsregeling open en online onderwijs

Use cases pillar online education

A number of projects from the Open Online Education pillar of the Open and Online Education Incentive Scheme have been developed into use cases. Check out these great case studies and use them in your education.

VR makes preparing and practising practicals life-like

Harry Bitter

Students often find chemistry practicals exciting. A lot can go wrong, resulting in quite high costs and safety risks. Together with the RUG, WUR developed a virtual chemistry practical to let students first practice virtually with virtual reality glasses in preparation for physical practicals.

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Improve lab skills? Use interactive videos

Marjo de Graauw

Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences students experience high pressure during practicals because they still lack the skills to perform actions properly. Leiden University therefore developed interactive videos on these skills. This leads to better learning results, lower study pressure and less workload for lecturers and supervisors of practicals.

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Personalised feedback in large-scale education

Erwin van Vliet

How do you give students and lecturers insight into learning progress at any time? University lecturer Erwin van Vliet wanted to offer his students one-to-one guidance, but how do you do that in large-scale education? He developed a learning analytics dashboard that provides insight into what students are doing in the online learning environment.

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Virtual Classroom strengthens lecturer role and enriches teaching

Virtual Classroom UU

Many people associate online education with a 'talking head' on a screen. The University of Utrecht, TU/e and WUR show that you can also design it in a completely different way, such that physical and online education reinforce each other. Together, they investigated the best way to use a Virtual Classroom.

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Feedback app fieldwork piques students' curiosity

Feedback app UU

When studying earth sciences, fieldwork should not be missing. Yet this component is under pressure due to a shortage of lecturers with a field geology background and an increase in students. Utrecht University developed an app that supports students in supervising fieldwork, allowing the lecturer to focus on the complex questions and reflection.

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Students get answers via YouTube to what they never dared to ask

Screenshot Poli Radiologie met radiologische beelden en een persoon

"During a multidisciplinary consultation, students and co-assistants prefer to keep quiet, just to avoid asking stupid questions. And because they no longer receive education in that area, there is a risk that their knowledge will lag behind in the rest of their careers," says doctor and lecturer in radiology Matthias Cabri. Amsterdam UMC and the UvA have therefore developed the Radiology Education Clinic, a safe and accessible environment to ask those very questions.

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Instant feedback during online practice of lab maths skills

Herman Popeijus

Biomedical science, health science and medicine students have all had chemistry in their subjects. With that knowledge, they should be able to make simple lab calculations. The reality is that their basic knowledge lags behind what is needed in practice. Herman Popeijus of Maastricht University developed an online tool that allows students to practise their lab calculation skills called OLaF.

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Livening up family law with actors

Gwen Noteborn

Maastricht University took the law of persons and family law block in a new direction. Instead of short, one-sided cases on paper, students now assist a couple in a complex divorce in two groups. 'This way, we give students much more baggage in the profession of family law lawyer,' says Gwen Noteborn from Maastricht University.

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Frocole- the app for feedback and reflection in collaborative learning

Maartje Hendrikx en Karel Kreijns

Collaborative learning or collaborative learning aims not only to develop one's own knowledge and person, but also to help others move forward. Thanks to the Open and Online Education Incentive Scheme, the Open University (OU) developed the Frocole app to support the feedback and reflection process of collaborative groups,

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Students learn virtual pleading with PleitVRij

Student PleitVRij

At Utrecht University, law students emerge from a classroom in their gowns. They practise pleading in a virtual environment. This way, they can practice their speaking skills in a realistic way and learn from each other. Their first reaction; 'what a cool experience!'

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PRESTO: Peer assessment in relay format

Pieter Bots TUDelft

An innovative and instructive form of education, but also a moral dilemma. This is how lecturer in Technical Public Administration Pieter Bots describes the learning relay he initially developed for his first-year students at TU Delft. "For some students it works extremely well, others call it 'unfair'."

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Gamified knowledge platform challenges students to help each other

Stefan Hugtenburg TU Delft

Lecturer Stefan Hugtenburg explains how they challenge TU Delft students to exchange more knowledge via a knowledge platform with game elements. Especially in corona time, this is of great value.

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Online education projects

View all projects from the online education pillar developed thanks to the Open and Online Education Incentive Scheme.

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