IT in education offers opportunities for innovation and quality improvement. The Minister of Education, Culture and Science made funding available for the last time in 2022 through the Open and Online Education Incentive Scheme. Read more about the projects from the incentive scheme.
Use cases pillar open educational resources
The projects from the Open Educational Resources pillar that participated in the Open and Online Education Incentive Scheme can be found on this page.

In social science courses, statistics is an important but also difficult subject. Students want to practise a lot and that means that lecturers have a lot of work in making all those assignments. Four universities took the initiative to join forces and create an open environment for statistics assignments.
VR makes preparing and practising practicals life-like

Students often find chemistry practicals exciting. A lot can go wrong, resulting in quite high costs and safety risks. WUR developed a virtual chemistry practical together with the RUG to let students first practice virtually with virtual reality glasses in preparation for physical practicals.
Nursing students learn clinical reasoning with videos and interaction

How do you teach nursing students clinical reasoning? How do you bring them into contact with situations at home, in the nursing home, hospital or GP? Context is important for interpreting a situation. Utrecht University of Applied Sciences and Fontys developed video-based materials thanks to the Open and Online Education Incentive Scheme.
The subject community circular economy only got rolling by finding a common goal

Five universities of applied sciences set up a subject community within the circular economy domain. Within the project, they wanted to gain joint experience in sharing and further developing learning materials. After some start-up problems and eventually a renewed project proposal, the subject community developed a MOOC.
Realistic cases from real companies

To get to the heart of the subject of data analytics, as a teacher you want students to be able to work with realistic data. Saxion University of Applied Sciences developed a MOOC on Business Analytics in which students can get hands-on with fictitious data from real companies.
Sharing and reusing learning resources projects
View all projects from the Open Education pillar developed thanks to the Open and Online Education Incentive Scheme.