Online & blended education
The quality of education gets a big boost when the possibilities of online education are combined with face-to-face education on campus. Therefore, there is plenty of experimentation with new online teaching formats and techniques to improve education for students.

Teaching didactics
There are many opportunities to get started with blended and online education. How do you approach this practically? Here are some suggestions on how to get started with teaching didactics.
Deeper learning with peer feedback
Peer feedback is a demonstrably appropriate form of teaching to induce deeper learning - critical thinking, knowledge processing, creativity - in students.
Getting started with online bonding
How do you welcome (new) students online and make them feel connected with each other and the programme? How do you keep students motivated online? We help you on your way with tips and tricks you can put into practice!
Organise deeper contact with online tutoring
Online supervision offers more flexibility and a mix of forms of supervision, making education more interesting for students and teachers. Read real-life stories on how to use online guidance in teaching practice.