Blended education
The quality of education gets a big boost when the possibilities of online education are combined with face-to-face education on campus. Therefore, there is plenty of experimentation with new online teaching formats and techniques to improve education for students.
Studenten aan een tafel achter hun laptops

Reports and publications

On this page, you will find various initiatives for organising blended education, as well as methodologies, tools and inspiration.

Tools for organising educational innovation

Inspiration and decision aids on

Are you an educational innovator and would you like to support teachers in educational innovation with IT? Or would you like to know how different higher education institutions help their teachers to innovate their education? On the page educational innovation with IT you will find inspiration, practical tools and decision aids to organise this effectively.

Reference model EMBED

Developing and organising blended education requires a different way of working. In a European context, KU Leuven and TU Delft, among others, have worked on the EMBED reference model. This model looks at three levels: the subject levelaa, the programme level and the institution level. EMBED provides criteria and tools to assess the maturity of blended education and innovation. In addition, the model helps guide change within the institution.

The ict motion sensor

Organising blended education means rethinking and adapting educational designs. But is your institution ready for this?

The Integral ICT Movement Sensor, developed by the Teacher Professionalisation zone of the Acceleration Plan, helps to explore this. This tool encourages conversations within institutions about the state of educational innovation with ICT and what steps are needed to innovate successfully.

Designing educational innovation with IT

Trial garden and toolkit blended learning

On the website of the Acceleration Plan, you will find a ready-made professionalisation package for teachers in the form of the living lab (designing) Blended education. This package focuses on the criteria, substantiation, design and implementation of an educational design.

'Blend your education' toolkit

The 'Blend your education' toolkit offers practical tools for educational practice. From working forms to develop a vision of blended learning, to discussion cards for an activating blend.

Designing blended education

Good design is essential for successful blended education. But how do you approach it? What methodologies and models can you use? These articles will help you get started:

The science behind blended learning

The Special Interest Group (SIG) Blended Learning offers knowledge about blended learning in an accessible way every month. Check out the e-book with the first 12 volumes.

Knowledge base by theme

XR in education

What are the opportunities and challenges of extended reality for education? Read about it in the issue XR in education.

Immersive rooms in education

SURF organised peer visits at educational institutions that have experiences with immersive rooms. Read the articles about this on the page of open and online education.

Open Educational Resources and the role of educational ICT professionals

You can read about the work and professional needs of this target group in the report Open Educational Resources and the Role of Educational ICT Professionals.

Roadmap for OERs

On you will find a collection of step-by-step plans for getting started with OERs.

Online education and guidance

On the Open and Online Education website, you will find practical tools for strengthening online bonding, real-life stories on online tutoring and articles on using peer feedback.