In depth with NetherLight
NetherLight is an open network exchange, allowing you to easily set up EVPN connections with national or international collaboration partners. This allows you to connect with other (research) networks worldwide. NetherLight has direct connections with, among others:
- Chicago
- New York
- Londen
- Barcelona
- Praag
- Hamburg
- Kopenhagen
- Moskou
- Thuwal (Saoedi-Arabië)
- Taipei
- Seoul
Other National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) also have fiber optic links to NetherLight, giving you many opportunities for interconnections. These high-speed connections are available to institutions in the education and research community.
Through this page you can request connectivity through NetherLight.
We are a co-founder of the Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX). The AMS-IX started as an initiative between researchers and is now one of the largest exchange platforms for IP traffic in the world. We aim to make NetherLight as successful for EVPN as the Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX) is for IP connections.