The network is the foundation of all ict facilities at your institution. No education, research and innovation with ict without a stable network. That is why we at SURF continuously work on a reliable, flexible and powerful network.
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About the SURF network

The SURF network is a national fibre-optic network for research and education in the Netherlands. It provides fast and well-secured connectivity to the internet, as well as numerous specific services. These include EVPN connections between locations, outside regular internet traffic.

Strong network focused on education and research

With the SURF network, SURF positions itself as:

  • The reliable service provider that provides a high-quality, flexible, intelligent and sustainable network infrastructure that optimally supports Dutch education and research.
  • The partner to respond to challenging network questions arising from research and education, with specialised services and expertise that are essential to be leaders in their field.
  • The leading network knowledge partner for the R&E community innovating, exploring opportunities and experimenting with possible solutions to anticipate future needs.

Both national and international connectivity

From its network services, SURF organises both national and international network connectivity from an institution's front door. SURF provides a geographically redundant fibre-optic connection at the main locations of institutions. The network equipment linked to it and managed by SURF provides connectivity to the SURF network. Via the network dashboard, this connection can be managed and various network functionalities activated.

servicelaag SURFnet8 oktober 2019

Topology of SURFnet8