Digital learning materials
By taking action together, we can encourage the sharing and reuse of digital learning materials and make education future-proof. Together, we will ensure that students and lecturers always have access to high-quality learning materials wherever they are and that they can easily find them in one place. Will you join us?
Student with VR Glasses

Relevant SURF services

What do you need to find, use and integrate digital educational resources? On this page you will find an overview of relevant SURF services to support your institution.

edusources, the platform for digital educational resources

Studenten in gesprek

With edusources, SURF offers a safe and reliable national platform with a diverse range of digital (Open) Educational Resources. Lecturers and students can share and reuse educational resources here.

More about edusources

CopyrightCheck: understanding copyright in educational resources

Symbool CopyRIGHT

CopyrightCheck provides lecturers and course coordinators with a clear overview of educational resources shared with students within the institution in the digital learning environment (LMS). With it, SURF helps educational institutions and publishers (represented by the UvO Foundation) to properly regulate the use/reuse of copyright-protected material.

More about CopyrightCheck

Sharecontrol: governing data and plagiarism

Student aan tafel met computer in bibliotheek

Via ShareControl, you share data with suppliers of plagiarism scanning software, without losing control of that data. You decide which data to share, with whom and for how long. ShareControl unlocks the data from your learning management system (LMS) or other source systems and enables cross-institutional plagiarism detection.

More about ShareControl all about copyright issues

Vragen over auteursrechten? Kijk op

At, you can find reliable information on copyright issues and related laws and regulations. You will find legal information, practical resources and tools. 

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