Members of SURF
- Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Open University
- Radboud University Nijmegen
- University of Groningen
- Delft University of Technology
- Eindhoven University of Technology
- Tilburg University
- Leiden University
- Maastricht University
- Utrecht University
- University of Amsterdam
- University of Twente
- University of Amsterdam
- Wageningen University
- Aeres University College
- Amsterdam School of the Arts
- ArtEZ University for the Arts
- Avans University of Applied Sciences
- Breda University of Applied Sciences
- Codarts Rotterdam
- Ede University of Applied Sciences
- The Hague University of Applied Sciences
- Design Academy Eindhoven
- Driestar University of Applied Sciences
- Fontys Universities of Applied Sciences
- Gerrit Rietveld Academie
- Groningen University of Applied Sciences
- HAS University of Applied Sciences
- HZ University of Applied Sciences
- Kempel University of Applied Sciences
- University of the Arts The Hague
- University of Applied Sciences Inholland
- University of Applied Sciences iPabo
- KPZ University of Applied Sciences
- University of Applied Sciences Leiden
- University of Applied Sciences Rotterdam
- University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
- University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam
- University of Arnhem and Nijmegen
- University of Applied Sciences Viaa
- Utrecht School of the Arts
- Hotelschool The Hague
- Iselinge University of Applied Sciences
- Marnix Academy
- NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences
- Saxion
- Thomas More University of Applied Sciences
- Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
- Windesheim
- Zuyd University of Applied Sciences
- Aeres Group (Groenhorst College)
- Albeda College
- Christian Education Group Vallei & Gelderland-Midden
- CIBAP School of Design
- Curio
- Da Vinci College
- DCTerra
- De Rooi Pannen
- Deltion College
- Firda
- Gilde Opleidingen
- Graafschap College
- Graphic Lyceum Rotterdam
- Graphic Lyceum Utrecht
- Wood and Furnishings College
- Willem I College
- Landstede MBO
- Leiden Instrumentation School
- Lentiz Onderwijsgroep
- MBO Amersfoort
- MBO Utrecht
- MBO Rhineland
- Media College Amsterdam
- Nimeto Utrecht
- Noorderpoort
- RBO Scholen
- ROC Alfa-college
- ROC Aventus
- ROC Central Netherlands
- ROC Mondriaan
- ROC Nijmegen
- ROC Nova College
- ROC Rivor
- ROC van Amsterdam-Flevoland
- ROC of Twente
- Rhine IJssel
- Scalda
- SintLucas
- SOMA College
- STC Group
- SVO Foundation for Vocational Education
- Summa College
- Talland College
- Ter AA
- Vista College
- Vonk
- Yonder
- Yuverta
- Zadkine
- Zone.College
- Amsterdam UMC
- Erasmus University Medical Centre
- Leiden University Medical Centre
- Maastricht University Hospital
- Radboudumc
- University Medical Center Groningen
- University Medical Center Utrecht
- Integral Cancer Centre of the Netherlands
- Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
- Naturalis Biodiversity Centre
- Netherlands Forensic Institute
- Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
- ZonMw
- Royal Library
- National Archives
- Police Academy
- University for Humanistics
Membership and structure
Over 100 institutions are now members of SURF cooperative. Institutions can become members if their core activity is education or research, or if they make a substantial contribution to this. And if the institution is a contracting authority within the meaning of the Public Procurement Act 2012 (or any laws and regulations that replace it).
The members own SURF, or in full Coöperatie SURF U.A. A cooperative is a special form of an association. In an association, the members join forces. This also applies to the members of SURF. The letters U.A. stand for Excluded Liability. This means that the members (the institutions) are not liable for any losses incurred by SURF.
SURF core package and outsourcing
Within SURF, joint services are developed so that members can benefit from economies of scale and do not each have to invent the wheel for themselves. The service portfolio is divided into a core package and an optional package. Services in the core package are subject to a purchase obligation. If members need a service included in SURF's core package, they must purchase that service from SURF. Members enter into an outsourcing relationship with SURF for the services (core package and optional services) offered by SURF. This means that members do not have to tender for these services themselves. In this way, they can pool their demand in the market and negotiate better conditions jointly through SURF.