National XR Day 2025

Dive into the world of immersive technologies! This year we will be exploring the theme 'shaping new realities' that emphasizes the shaping of new human-centered immersive applications that are developed in cross-disciplinary collaboration.

Erasmus Universiteit, Rotterdam

Call for proposals XR Day

Is your initiative an inspiring example for others? Are you searching for partners to co-create with? Do you have a current issue or topic you would like to discuss with participants? Then we welcome you to submit a session proposal for the National XR Day 2025 at Erasmus University in Rotterdam. 

All sessions at the National XR day will be in English, however we provide the option for contributing in Dutch when preferred.

Submit your proposal

Submission guidelines

Submissions match the theme of education and research into XR and/or its applications, and preferably target a broad audience. Participants of National XR Day will be a mix of different roles and backgrounds. Also, the audience will come from the different sectors of the SURF community: mbo, hbo, wo, UMC’s and research+. We aim for sessions that are human centered, technology based, or focus on collaboration. The deadline for submissions is Sunday, April 6th

Note: We only accept sessions from institutions or collaborations between public and private parties.

Writing guide for session texts & presentation

Need help writing your proposal? Use our writing guide for session texts to create a clear and engaging submission. We look forward to your proposal and your contribution to the National XR day 2025!

Possible topics

A (non-exhaustive) list of topics that fit the National XR Day programme:

  • Use cases or applications of XR in education
  • Use of XR as a research tool
  • Research on novel XR forms or technologies that can be useful for the SURF community
  • Practical aspects of implementing XR in an education/research setting
  • Policy aspects related to the use of XR, regarding privacy, security, inclusivity, etc.
  • Creative & artistic use of XR
  • Calls to action that target the SURF community
  • Examples of (national or international) collaboration on XR
  • XR projects by members of the SURF community involving external (international, commercial, etc) parties
Overview of questions that are in the form of the call

For this call we prefer that you write according to the following elements: 

Title of contribution (100 characters)

Session types 

  • Presentation (20 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A) 
    perfect for sharing a case, demo, or a success story (or mistake!).
  • Birds of a feather session (45 minutes) 
    Want to gather information or share your thoughts, project or challenges? Discuss or brainstorm together in an informal discussion group and without any fixed agenda.
  • Workshop (45 or 60 minutes) 
    Get hands-on and immerse yourself in a specific theme with others. For example, a hands-on introduction to a technical XR topic or how to best set up an XR project.
  • Panel discussion (45 minutes)
    An interactive discussion with a panel whose topic and members you provide. SURF can provide a moderator if needed.
  • demonstration (within specific time slots)
    Show your (prototype) XR application, education or research use case.

Preferred track 

  • Technology (Shaping or building technical solutions)
  • Impact (The usefulness and value of XR, within the context of education and research)
  • Collaboration (New or existing collaborations between institutions, user groups and/or XR projects. This can include private-public collaborations involving the SURF community.)

Abstract (max 400 characters)

Description (max 2000 characters)

Notes (optional)

Additional speaker (if applicable)

Other questions
- What is the key message of your contribution?
- What is the one reason your submission should be part of the program?
- Optional: My contribution will be in Dutch (the default language of the event is English)
- Optional: Does your session assume a certain XR expertise level of the audience? If so, then specify (novice / intermediate / expert)
- Which which institute/ organization are you affiliated?
- Optional What is the maximum number of participants for your workshop/birds-of-a-feather-session?
- Optional: Are there special requirements for the room used for your workshop? For example, chair and/or desk setup, screen available or post-its.
- Optional: Do you have any special (other than wifi and power technical requirements for your demonstration?
- Optional: What are the space requirements for your demo? Indicate either 3x3m, 5x5m or seated, etc.

Feedback on proposals

We will contact you in April about the selection of your proposal for the National XR Day.

If your selected, we will invite you to attend a presentation training in May or June by our host Barry Fitzgerald. The goal is to align your session with the goals and target audience of the event.

Program committee

The program committee reviewing the proposals consists of members from SURF, Erasmus University, Erasmus MC, Erasmus Centre of Data Analytics, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, and Npuls pilothub XR.


If you have any questions on the call for proposals and submission process, please contact us at