Procurement & contracting
We buy ict and content on the best possible terms and make sure you can use it easily. We also support you in procurement processes we carry out jointly for institutions.
Close-up handen man achter laptop met bomen en planten op de achtergrond

We aggregate the demand and need at institutions and purchase software and hardware on this basis.

Maaike Hazewinkel

Maaike Hazewinkel


IT procurement

Would you like to know more about how we procure IT products and services on the best possible terms? Then take a look at the three different procurement options we offer, the vendors we have contracts with and read about our multi-year agreement with Microsoft.

Three different procurement options

The procurement options we offer are tender processes, model contracts and the Dynamic Purchasing System. We offer these options so that you can focus on better and more flexible education, regardless of the size of your institution.


We have agreements with several vendors. Curious about which vendors? Then take a look at this overview.

Microsoft Inspiration and Innovation Programme (MIIP)

The SURF consortium has concluded a multi-year agreement with Microsoft - in addition to the Microsoft agreement 2022-2026: the Microsoft Inspiration and Innovation Program, or MIIP for short. This agreement is not binding and is aimed at promoting intensive mutual cooperation. Are you curious about what MIIP means for you as a member of SURF? Or do you want to know which pillars MIIP focuses on? We will be happy to explain them to you.

More information?

Want to know what the advantages of joint procurement are at the best conditions? Then take a look at our service page.