This immersive 3D internet experience is largely born out of funding from technology companies that see the future of the internet as something you are always "in" and not necessarily separated from. In this way, the metaverse does not compete with the internet, but builds on its fundamentals.
As the current technological revolution continues at a rapid pace, the concept of the Metaverse is gaining traction and attention. However, the definition of the Metaverse is rather controversial and the terminology surrounding this emerging concept is equally confusing. The timeline for when we believe the Metaverse will be mature is another point of confusion, fuelled by the debate over what exactly a mature Metaverse will look like.
Report "Introducing Metaverse for education and research"
The aim of this report is to map out what (leading) experts and institutions are saying about the topic and covers:
- the terminology around the concept of the Metaverse
- the proposed timeline for a mature Metaverse
- the conditions for achieving a Metaverse mature enough for teaching and research in the Netherlands.