Futuring: a look to the future
Explore the future
Futuring is the process of looking to the future with the goal to understand what it could look like. For example, what will the campus look like in 2040? And what new technologies will be relevant? What are examples of education and/or research applications? By exploring this together, we can discuss possible, desirable and likely future scenarios.
Impact on tomorrow
With our futuring activities we want to get a broader picture of future developments and their possible impact. We identify relevant trends, explore and experiment with new technologies and develop future scenarios of the campus in 2040. In this way we anticipate future developments and can make better decisions in the short term.
Joint initiatives
Together with educational and research institutions, SURF participates in various initiatives around futuring. With institutes in their role as a research institute and SURF in the role of knowledge sharer. Because of this we drive innovation and work together on plans for the future.
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