Digital testing
The testing landscape is evolving rapidly. The demand for digital testing is rising rapidly and the diversity of testing forms is also increasing rapidly. The testing process is becoming increasingly interwoven with the educational process, with testing becoming a learning moment rather than a point of accountability.
Een lege zaal waar digitaal getoetst wordt
Annette Peet (2023)

Annette Peet


Publications about Digital testing

A lot of knowledge has already been developed about digital testing. On this page, you will find an overview of available knowledge and tools, best practices and knowledge sharing via communities and networks.

Publication of e-portfolios in higher education

Are you looking into e-portfolios? Or do you want to implement e-portfolios in your course or institution? In the publication e-portfolio's in higher education, you can read about the developments of e-portfolios in education, gain insight into the current use and points of attention for the implementation of the e-portfolio. 

Vision tool (digital) testing and assessment

Do you want to develop a vision on (digital) testing within your institution, faculty or course? The vision tool for (digital) testing and assessment helps to discuss the future perspective on testing.

Test selection tool

Are you a teacher and do you want to know which test format is best to use? The Test selection tool Testing will help you with this. The tool can be used as a guide to gain insight into which test format best suits group size and test purpose (knowledge, application, physical actions).  The tool gives you tips and additional points of interest for each specific test form.

Future perspective on (digital) testing and assessment

In the publication Future perspective on (digital) testing and assessment you will find the vision of the future of various experts in the field of testing in education. It helps educational institutions, SURF and suppliers to discuss this vision.

Programmatically testing the learning environment

What exactly is Programmatic testing? How do you implement it and what is involved? Programmatic Assessment Learning Environment is intended for anyone who wants to know more about programmatic assessment or wants to work with it practically. 

Handbook item repositories

Digital item repositories and databases with test questions are tools to improve the quality of tests and reduce costs. In the manual item repositories you can read how to develop, manage and use item banks in 5 steps within a course, within one institution, across institutions, within a professional community or even nationally.



Special Interest Group (SIG) Digital Assessment

Join the Special Interest Group (SIG) Digital Testing for knowledge development, knowledge sharing, cooperation and vision building around digital testing within higher education in the Netherlands. If you want to share something yourself, you can do so via the communities website.

Network Test Competence

TheNetwork Test Competence focuses on improving knowledge of testing. Three times a year they organise network meetings, where experiences about the implementation of assessment competence are shared.

Platform Learning from Assessment

On the Learning from Testing Platform, knowledge of testing in general is exchanged. The platform provides a Formative Testing Toolkit, which teachers use to incorporate formative testing into their teaching programme. The platform's website contains extensive information on handouts, blogs and articles on testing.

Network Accessible Testing and Examinations HoMbo

The Network Accessible Testing and Examinations HoMbo of the Expertise Centre for Inclusive Education (ECIO) contributes to professionalisation, awareness, knowledge sharing and the (joint) development of concrete guidelines on flexible accessible testing and examining.

Learning network Programmatic Assessments

The learning network explores and develops common issues and develops research instruments for testing. Would you like to join the network? Read more about it on the programme-based testing page.