Learning from tests

Assessment is increasingly seen as a learning moment rather than a 'judgment moment'. As a result, the process of arriving at a weighted final assessment of the student takes different forms and requires different support. We help institutions gain insight into different forms of testing and their technical implications.

We focus on the use of e-portfolios to support the assessment process. An e-portfolio is a tool that makes a student's unique development visible. You can see in which context(s) students are developing and how competent they consider themselves to be.

Digital student portfolios, or e-portfolios, have been attracting interest from educational institutions for years. They fit with developments in education, such as Lifelong Learning and student-centred learning. The e-portfolio helps to support students' development, track their progress and record their learning outcomes and competences. Its use is variable and deployment remained off for a long time. Currently, there is renewed attention to e-portfolios, especially with the emergence of programme-based testing. Suppliers are also rapidly developing their e-portfolio offerings.

Education and suppliers are both developing e-portfolios in higher education. But there are still many uncertainties. To find out the current state of affairs and look at the future of e-portfolios, SURF has taken stock in the publication e-portfolios in higher education.